5 Types of Dessert from Avocados that are Practical, Delicious, and Nutritious


Medical Video: 6 Unique & Exciting Ways to Eat Avocado

Who doesn't like avocados? Yes, this one green fruit is suitable for consumption by anyone at all ages, ranging from children, adolescents, pregnant women, to adults. Besides being delicious to be eaten directly or made juice, you can also process avocados into a menu dessert practical and appetizing. Anything, huh? Check the list below.

Menu selection dessert healthy and delicious avocado

Avocados are one of the fruits that are suitable for consumption dessert, aka dessert. Reporting from Self, the American Heart Association revealed that avocados contain 75 percent unsaturated fats (healthy fats) and 6 grams of fiber.

The following are menu choices dessert Avocado-based ingredients that you can try at home:

1. Cookies avocado

dessert menu for avocado pastries

When making cookies, you will certainly use butter and oil as complementary ingredients. Apparently, you can use avocados instead of butter and oil, you know!

Even without butter and oil, avocados can give a soft and savory texture to pastries. In addition, avocados also provide fiber intake and essential nutrients that are good for heart health.

So that your homemade cookies are healthier, replace flour with wheat flour. Because, wheat flour is rich in beta-glucan fiber, a type of soluble fiber that can help reduce LDL cholesterol, aka bad cholesterol.

2. Avocado Popsicles

dessert menu of avocado popsicle popsicle

Popsicle or popsicle is one menu dessert that kids love. Usually, popsicles are made from a mixture of interesting water, sugar, and artificial coloring.

To be healthier, make your own homemade Popsicles using fresher pieces of avocado.

The healthy fat content of avocados can make you full longer even if you only eat one popsicle. In addition, avocados also contain potassium, one of the electrolytes that will be lost with sweat when you exercise.

Moreover, your children may be actively playing, making it easy to sweat. Now, by eating avocado popsicles, your child will quickly fill his energy and be ready to move again.

3. Avocado pudding

avocado pudding dessert menu

Have already tried the menu dessert in the form of avocado pudding? If not, you must try it.

You may rarely use avocado as a base for pudding for fear that the pudding will be soft and not chewy. In fact, the smooth texture of avocados can actually make your artificial pudding more perfect.

Avocado pudding contains a number of vitamin E which can help boost the immune system. In fact, eating avocado pudding can make your skin more radiant, you know!

4. Avocado ice cream

dessert menu of avocado ice cream

For those of you who love ice cream, try to make this one dessert menu with avocado mixture. In fact, avocado meat provides a sensationcreamyon ice cream that can be used as a substitute for milk.

This means that your artificial ice cream is certainly healthier because it does not contain saturated fat like when you use regular milk. Combine the avocado with bananas to form a delicious and nutritious ice cream dough.

5. Avocado muffins

dessert menu for avocado muffins

Marketable muffins are usually made of chocolate or cheese. Now, try to make your version of a muffin using a more nutritious and practical avocado.

One avocado muffin contains 6 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fiber that can make you full longer. As a result, you are no longer tempted to snacking various things after eating your own avocado muffins.

5 Types of Dessert from Avocados that are Practical, Delicious, and Nutritious
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