6 Good Benefits That Can Be Obtained from Watercress Leaves


Medical Video: 17 Impressive Watercress Benefits - Watercress nutrition facts

Lettuce leaves are usually eaten raw, either with other vegetables, made into bread stuffing, or mixed in salads. However, have you known that there are still other types of lettuce? Or have you even tried it? Yes, he is a watercress that can be cooked raw when eating or boiling first. Not to be outdone by lettuce in general, there are various benefits of watercress that are good for supporting your health, you know. Anything, huh?

A row of watercress benefits

If the lettuce leaves are usually known as the size of wide leaves that are light green, then the leaf of watercress has a smaller leaf diameter with dark green. As with other types of vegetables that hold a myriad of good benefits, you can also get the benefits of watercress for free.

Because the watercress is equipped with carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and a little fat. Minerals such as manganese, calcium, and potassium with additional vitamins A, C, K, E, B1, B2, and B6 also help make lettuce leaves rich in nutrients.

So from now on, don't hesitate to eat watercress leaves that are not only fresh but also nourish this body.

Source: COOP Stronger Together

1. High antioxidant content

Every time you eat watercress, you have added a number of antioxidants. This substance is responsible for protecting the body from attacks by free radicals, which are dangerous molecules that trigger various chronic diseases.

More specifically, watercress has more than 40 types of flavonoids, namely antioxidants commonly contained in plants. The amount is also high among other types of vegetables, so it is considered effective for neutralizing free radicals.

2. Preventing cancer

Other benefits of watercress are not less interesting because they contain phytochemical compounds and isothicyanate. Both of these compounds have long been known to help reduce the risk of cancer by maintaining body cells, blocking carcinogenic compounds that cause disease, and preventing the growth and spread of tumors.

In fact, several studies reported on the Healthline page have proven that the compounds of isothiocyanates in leaf watercress can prevent colon, prostate, lung, and skin cancers.

Reinforced with other studies in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, the compounds of isothiocyanates and sulforaphane which are both present in watercress leaves can reduce the appearance of breast cancer cells.

3. Lower blood pressure

A 2013 study published by the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that foods containing nitrates, such as watercress, have been shown to dilate blood vessels while at the same time stiffen blood vessel work.

Besides that, the content of nitrate in watercress can also increase the amount of nitric oxide in the blood. Then later, high blood pressure will decrease gradually.

4. Protect heart health

Various important nutrients in vegetables are believed to be good for maintaining heart health, including watercress. Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein are some of the family carotenoid antioxidant compounds contained in watercress.

Consumption of these three compounds is often associated with prevention of heart disease and high blood pressure. Moreover, high amounts of carotenoid compounds can also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, according to the Mediators of Inflammation Journal.

5. Maintaining bone health

In fact, watercress contains a number of vitamins and minerals which are supposed to be able to strengthen and maintain bone function. It includes vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.

Here, vitamin K is responsible for accelerating calcium absorption, reducing calcium excretion in urine, and as a component of osteocalcin which is a protein that forms healthy bone tissue. Coupled with the role of other minerals that further strengthen bone ability and health.

6. Healthy eyes

Not only vitamin A can maintain eye health, vitamin C also has the same contribution. The study, published in the Acta Ophthalmologica Journal, explains that vitamin C content in watercress can reduce a person's risk of developing cataracts.

In fact, the antioxidant compounds lutein and zeaxanthin found in watercress will prevent the development of macular degeneration and cataracts.

6 Good Benefits That Can Be Obtained from Watercress Leaves
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