Body Fat Turns Against Disease Bacteria


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Not all the fat in your body is bad. Just like other nutrients, fat has a role and responsibility in maintaining your health. Not only as an energy reserve, fat is also called can help the body fight bacterial diseases.

Then how can body fat which is usually used as the main suspect for your weight gain, actually protects you from infectious diseases?

Body fat is proven to protect the skin from disease bacteria

Starting from a study conducted by experts from the UC Sand Diego School of Medicine who tried to do experiments on mice to find out more about the role of fat in the body.

The study published in 2015 in this Science Mag, intentionally gave bacterial infection of the disease (Staphylococcus aureus) in mice that were tested at the time. Then the researchers injected more fat in the surface area of ​​the rat skin. 

They found quite surprising results, namely that fat can help the body to fight disease bacteria that can cause infected skin. Staphylococcus aureus itself is a type of bacteria that is the main cause of skin and soft tissue infections in humans.

How can body fat weaken disease bacteria?

Body fat that successfully weakens bacterial defenses Staphylococcus aureus is adipose fat. Adipose fat is a body fat deposit that everyone has. All calorie-rich foods will be converted by the body into fat and stored in adipocyte cells. These adipocyte cells spread throughout all parts of the body, some of which are between the organs and others that are under the surface of the skin.

When disease bacteria try to enter and damage the skin's defenses, adipose fat which is below the surface of the skin will naturally attack and block the bacteria from entering the body. According to the researchers, fat has almost the same response as white blood cells which will kill germs and foreign substances that enter the body.

Not only that, from the study it was known that adipose fat produces a substance called cathelicidin, a substance that can enhance the immune system response. So that white blood cells work more effectively and quickly in removing all infectious disease bacteria.

But, don't make this a reason for you to eat more fat

Indeed, it must be admitted that high-fat foods have a delicious and delicious taste. The fat itself actually gives a more savory taste, making it more delicious. But, still you have to limit your consumption of foods that contain high fat and pay attention to the type of fat you will consume. Make sure, that the food you eat has more unsaturated fat than saturated fats, such as fish, avocados, and various types of nuts.

Body Fat Turns Against Disease Bacteria
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