Have Healthy Eating, But How come you lose weight even?


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He said, if you want to be thin you have to eat healthy foods. But, why is body weight still rising even though I have eaten healthily?

Eating healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables is certainly very good for the health of the body. But if the goal is to lose weight or diet, just eating healthy food is not enough. Because diet is not only about what we eat, but also about how much we eat and what activities we do. So, don't be surprised if your weight can still increase even though you eat healthy food.

You who are on a diet already know that you have to eat lots of vegetables, fruit, lean protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. You must also know that you have to reduce your intake of sugar, salt, calories and more. But, have you ever thought about the portion of food you eat? Well, one of the reasons why you have eaten healthily but your weight is still up is because of the excessive portion of eating.

Healthy eating must be considered for calorie intake

Even if you are on a diet, you still need calorie intake for the body. Calories are the body's energy source which is used to maintain the performance of organs, such as the brain, nervous system, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, and other body cells. However, you must remember that even healthy foods contain calories.

Actually, the number of calories that must be fulfilled depends on your age, gender, and activities. But in general, when you are on a diet, the maximum number of calories you have to fulfill is 1500 calories per day for women and 2000 calories per day for men.

Studies published in Journal of the American Medical Association shows that the body processes various types of calories differently. When you consume foods that are low in carbohydrates and processed in grains, vegetables, nuts and healthy fats, you can eat more than if you eat low-fat foods, such as protein.

Pay attention too topping or additives to food

Although not how much, however topping or additions to the food you eat can contribute to gaining weight. Cheese, sauce or butter, without you knowing it contains a lot of calories. So, don't just pay attention to the portion of food you eat, but also on topping or additives in food.

Notice how much healthy food has been consumed

To ascertain how much food is not in excess, you need to track what foods have been eaten. You can record each food consumed, and how much. Or you can use certain applications to calculate carbohydrates, fat, protein, calories and other nutritional intake that you have gotten from the food you consume.

Eat consciously

If you want to lose weight, you are encouraged to eat slowly. That way, you can pay attention to what is eaten, the color, smell, taste, and texture of food that will make you enjoy every meal you eat, so you will chew it slowly. When you eat, as much as possible stay away from TV, the internet, and other distractions that can interfere with eating activities.

What is the relationship between eating slowly and weight?

Digestion involves a series of complex hormonal signals between the intestine and the nervous system so that the body takes about 20 minutes so the brain can feel "full". If you eat too fast, then you will eat too much when the brain feels "full". This can increase the risk of gaining weight.

In essence, eating is not only to feel full, but also to increase energy, mental capacity, and emotional well-being. And even though you are on a diet, do not let eating activities make you unhappy. Eating should make you satisfied and happy. So, enjoy the food you eat, keeping in mind what is eaten so that the food consumed does not cause health problems.

Have Healthy Eating, But How come you lose weight even?
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