Healthy Rules for Drinking Juice for Diabetics


Medical Video: Juicing recipes to reverse type 2 diabetes

Apart from because it contains vitamins needed by the body, juice also has a myriad of others health benefits. However, whether fruit juice can provide many of the same benefits for sufferers diabetes? Is there juice for diabetes that needs to be consumed regularly? Or vice versa, do people with diabetes have to reduce consumption of fruit juice?

Health benefits of fruit juice

By drinking fruit juice, you get the benefits of fruit such as vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are there. This drink is also famous for reducing the risk of being exposed cancer, increasing the body's immune system, helping to pull out toxins in the body or detoxification, helps smooth the digestive tract and helps reduce excess weight.

However, not all juices can get the overall benefits of the fruit because of the processing. For example, as you already know in fruit there is enough fiber or fiber. Fiber will be lost when going through the process of making juice. In other words, you will not get the benefits of juice through the fiber. In fact, fiber is very beneficial for the health of the digestive tract.

Can diabetics drink juice?

Basically, as explained above, fruit juice contains many health benefits. However, for those of you who have diabetes, fruit juice can significantly increase blood sugar levels.

If you want to drink juice, vegetable juice is a healthier choice because it is relatively low in carbohydrates compared to fruit juice. If you are concerned that the taste is not so good, you can make a mixture of fruit and vegetable juices for a better taste and calories that are not as high as juice that only contain fruit.

To be healthier, choose fruits that are rich in antioxidants and help fight free radicals that cause damage to people with diabetes. According to a study published in January 2010 in the Nutrition Journal, antioxidant-rich fruits are pomegranates, cranberries and grapes.

But keep in mind, too, even though vegetable juices and fruit juices contain low calories, you should still consider them in your daily calorie count. For that, avoid consuming fruit juice with added sugar. If you feel the juice for diabetes that you drink is not sweet enough, you can add a diabetes sweetener that is low or no calories in your juice. You still get a sweet taste, but without increasing your blood sugar levels.

Also balance your added calories with physical activity and avoid sedentary lifestyles to avoid obesity and prevent complications of diabetes. Don't forget to take diabetes medications or insulin according to your doctor's prescription regularly.

Healthy Rules for Drinking Juice for Diabetics
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