How to use water to lose weight


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Water is the biggest component in the body, and is one of the main bases in a balanced nutritional pattern. However, the water content in the body is very easily reduced through sweat and urine disposal. As a result, there is an imbalance in the body and lead to obstacles in the effort to lose weight.

How can we use water to lose weight?

In general, weight is strongly influenced by consumption patterns and how much calorie intake is obtained from daily consumption. Consumption of drinking water can help balance intake and help control appetite. Drinking water before eating is one effective strategy to reduce the portion of food because it can make us eat less food.

Limiting calories is important in undergoing a diet, but this becomes very difficult especially if you are overweight and obese. In a study in individuals with more weight, fulfilling sufficient drinking water can effectively reduce appetite and reduce calorie intake, so that someone who consumes water before eating has a 44% chance of losing weight. The study also showed the habit of drinking water before meals would result in a weight loss of around 2 kg in a 12-week period.

Only water, not another drink

Not only from food, calories from sugar are also found in various drinks that have sweet taste. Drinking habits that have high sugar levels are one of the factors that trigger obesity. Choosing mineral water as drinking water is the healthiest way because it does not contain added sugar and reduces the possibility of you drinking other drinks containing calories. A result research shows the habit of drinking water in the long term preventing weight gain of at least 1.45 kg in a period of 4 years.

Consumption of water accelerates the metabolic process

In addition to its benefits in controlling calorie intake, consumption of drinking water also helps burn fat by increasing metabolism. The mechanism that occurs in this process is known as the term resting energy expenditure (REE) where the body continues to burn calories when the body is not physically active or while resting. Constant metabolism will be very helpful in losing weight, especially when we don't have much time to exercise.

Something studies the metabolic effect of drinking water consumption in healthy people shows that consuming 500 ml of drinking water can increase metabolism by 24% from normal conditions. This metabolic increase can last around 60 minutes after consuming drinking water. Similar effects are also observed in one research for children who are obese, by adjusting the volume of consumption of drinking water 10 ml / kg can increase metabolism by 25% which lasts 40 minutes.

REE is the most important metabolic mechanism in the effort to reduce weight and this is influenced by the adequacy of water consumption. REE plays a role in 60-70% of calories burned per day, actively moving and standing while on the move will only increase combustion. Conversely, a slowdown in metabolism can inhibit the burning of calories. As a result, body fat is reduced even less you may not experience weight loss and will experience weight gain again.

Is drinking warm water better than cold water?

Unlike the belief in general that drinking water with cold temperatures causes obesity, temperature does not inhibit the benefits of water consumption in losing weight. Even the consumption of cold water can actually increase calorie burning. This is because cold water will be adjusted to be warmer when entering the body through the mechanism.

How much should we drink water to lose weight?

Consumption of drinking water is vital when undergoing a diet, because by reducing calorie intake, the body also experiences a slowdown in metabolism. In general, the adequacy of daily drinking water is 8 glasses of 250 ml of drinking water per day, or the equivalent of 2 liters / day. However, a smaller amount of daily consumption still provides benefits in weight loss.

Something research shows that drinking water consumption of around 1 liter / day helps burn 23 extra calories per day or around 17000 calories in one year, and loses weight by an average of 2 kg. With the amount of water consumption that is not much different, other research also showed a decrease in body mass index and abdominal circumference for 8 weeks. This shows that consumption of drinking water can be beneficial for short and long term weight loss.


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