Not Always Bad, It's the Benefits of Butter You Can Get


Medical Video: Why Eating Butter Can Make You Skinny

Butter or butter is a familiar source of fat. When eating bread, or make a cake, this butter is usually used as a mixture. However, butter is always predicted as a source of unhealthy fat. Compared to products similar to margarine, butter is often compared and said to be unhealthy because it triggers obesity and heart disease. So is it true that butter is not good for health? Are there benefits of butter? Check out the review below.

Is it true that butter is really not healthy?

Margarine and butter

Of course not, using a small amount of butter is not a problem. Reported on the Heart Foundation page, butter is not only a source of bad fat. Because, in choosing a fat source you not only have to see the type, but of course the portion consumed.

Instead, how much amount of fat is consumed will affect health more. So, it's better to limit the portion of fat sources rather than dizziness to avoid products that are thought to be bad, like this butter.

Well, for butter alone, in fact there are many benefits and nutrients in it. Then, what are the benefits of butter?

Benefits of butter for health

difference in butter and margarine

Help repair cells

Did you know butter contains antioxidants carotene which is one of the important micronutrients for humans? Carotene has many benefits for various parts of the body.

Starting from supporting cell growth, stimulating repair of damaged body cells, and protecting the body from various infections, increasing the immune system by encouraging lymphocyte production.

Good for the digestive tract

Butter contains the butyric fatty acids needed by the body, especially in the intestine. Research shows that butyric acid has the ability to fight cancer, especially colon cancer.

Butyric fatty acids also have a positive effect on gastrointestinal health. Short fatty acids such as butyric acid help keep the intestinal surface healthy so that it can prevent IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

In addition, butyric acid also has anti-inflammatory properties so that it can help work the immune system to prevent inflammation in the body's tissues.

Maintaining bone health

In moderate amounts, butter also has bone health benefits like milk. Basically butter comes from milk so that the calcium content is also found in butter. Apart from calcium, other minerals such as cuprum, zinc, selenium, and manganese are also found in butter.

These minerals are important functions to maintain and shape bone health. These minerals also function to stimulate growth and repair of bone tissue.

Source of fat soluble vitamins

Butter is a source of fat soluble vitamins, namely vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin A is needed to maintain eye function and prevent inflammation. Together with vitamin D, vitamin A also helps treat the health of the nervous system, brain and bones in the body.

Butter also contains vitamin K especially vitamin K2 which is still often overlooked. Vitamin K2 has a very large effect in maintaining calcium metabolism so that calcium can be absorbed optimally in the body.

Low levels of vitamin K2 in the body can lead to serious diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

From butter, you can get all of these important vitamins in the body.

Not Always Bad, It's the Benefits of Butter You Can Get
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