Strengths and Weaknesses of Canned Food


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Canned food does make it easy for you, you only need a little time to heat it up and then you can immediately eat it. Fast, instant, easy, and tastes no less delicious, this is the advantage offered by canned food. With these benefits, it's no wonder that many people start consuming canned food and make it as an option in their diet. However, what are the consequences if you often eat canned food?

The positive side of canned food

Besides being easy, practical, instant, and tastes good, canned food also has other positive sides, namely:

Canned food is not lacking in nutrients

Not always canned foods contain fewer nutrients than fresh foods or frozen foods. In fact, canned foods also contain nutrients that are almost the same as fresh foods. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, are still contained in canned foods. Based on the research, the nutrients in the food are still intact after the food is put in a can, although the amount is slightly reduced.

Some nutrients that do not hold heat may also be damaged, such as water soluble vitamins, for example for vitamin C and vitamin B. This type of vitamin is very sensitive to heat and air, so vitamins can be lost after going through the process of heating, cooking and storing.

Don't worry, some types of canned foods can also have higher nutrient levels than ordinary foods. For example, tomatoes and corn have higher antioxidants after going through the heating process, so canned tomatoes and corn may have higher antioxidants than usual.

The negative side of canned food

Canned food does make it easy for us and has many advantages. Especially if we are on a long trip, canned food is the most practical to carry and easy to enjoy. However, behind the positive side, canned food also has a negative side.

Canned food added salt and sugar

Salt, sugar, and preservatives are usually added to some canned foods. For those of you who are healthy, this might not be a problem if eaten within reasonable limits. However, for those of you who suffer from high blood pressure or heart disease, canned food can worsen your health condition because these foods generally have a high salt content.

Salt in the form of sodium in canned food is usually found in high levels because it also serves to maintain the quality of canned food. Too much salt or sodium can cause your blood pressure to rise and the electrolyte balance in your body is disrupted.

High sugar content in canned foods also has a dangerous impact because excess sugar is associated with an increased risk of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart disease. Those of you who have the disease should limit it even if you can avoid eating canned foods, eating fresh food is better for you.

Before you buy canned food, it's a good idea to look at nutritional value information. Pay attention to the ingredients contained in it, how much sodium, calories, fat, and other nutrients contained in it.

Canned foods contain BPA

BPA or Bisphenol-A is a chemical contained in food packaging, including in cans. Research shows that BPA in canned food can move from the tin layer to food. BPA that enters the body is associated with health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus, and can also cause sexual dysfunction in men.

Research published by Environmental Research shows that eating canned foods is associated with high BPA concentrations in urine, the more canned food is consumed, the higher the BPA levels found in urine. However, the BPA levels found in canned foods vary in number.

Because the impact of BPA on health is very dangerous, even the United States Food and Drug Administration has banned the use of BPA for packaging in contact with food, but the use of food packaging containing BPA is still found.

Canned foods are at risk of containing harmful bacteria

Although rare, canned foods that don't go through the process properly can contain dangerous bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum. Eating canned foods containing these bacteria can cause a disease called botulism, where the disease can cause paralysis and even death if left untreated. To avoid this, it's important that you check the condition of the can before buying it, don't buy damaged canned food, for example bulging, dented, cracked, or leaking cans.


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Strengths and Weaknesses of Canned Food
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