What Happens If the Body Is Short of Calcium During Fasting?


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Calcium is not only needed for bone growth in childhood. You also need this nutrient until you grow older.

Many people do not realize that they have not been eating enough food sources of calcium, especially during fasting where food intake is limited. In fact, lack of calcium will cause various disorders and bodily functions, especially in your skeleton.

Then, how many sources of calcium should you consume if you don't want to experience bodily dysfunction? What foods contain high calcium?

When the body lacks calcium

How often do you eat calcium food in one day? In fact, not only you are less concerned with calcium intake, but many people also don't realize that they have been deprived of calcium.

In fact, calcium deficiency or hypocalcemia can cause various bodily disorders, such as:

  • Decreased ability to remember
  • Often experience muscle cramps
  • Suddenly some parts of the body felt numb
  • Easily depressed
  • Bones become more fragile and break easily
  • Nail problems
  • Risk of early osteoporosis

Yes, osteoporosis is a complication that often results from a person not fulfilling his calcium intake since he was young. Although, low calcium intake is not the only cause of osteoporosis, but by consuming adequate calcium from a young age, we can reduce the risk of developing this bone disease.

In fact, calcium enters the body, most of which is stored in the bones and makes the bones solid and strong. When the body lacks calcium, the calcium reserves in the bone will be taken. This then makes your bones fragile and prone to breakage.

How many sources of calcium should you consume in one day?

To prevent all these disorders, you must meet calcium needs. Every age group has different calcium needs. According to the number of nutritional adequacy issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2013, calcium must be consumed per day for:

  • Children aged 6-9 years: 1000 mg per day
  • Children aged 10-18 years: 1200 mg per day
  • Ages 19-29 years: 1100 mg per day
  • More than 30 years old: 1000 mg per day

Then, what are the best sources of calcium?

It's not difficult to make your calcium needs fulfilled. You can only eat high calcium source foods, such as the following:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Sardine
  • Dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli, kale, and spinach
  • Soybeans and preparations, such as tofu and tempeh

If you take a vitamin D supplement, don't forget to read the usage rules on the packaging. Meanwhile, for supplement use in children, you should consult with a pediatrician before consuming it.

What Happens If the Body Is Short of Calcium During Fasting?
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