9 Ways to Maximize Family Time


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Cooking, washing clothes, and working are jobs that are usually done by parents. But unfortunately these busy parents rarely spend their time with the people they care about.

Surveys conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that generally those who complete homework are women compared to men. Work, marriage, children, and providing family income are important. But you should not let only women and mothers control everything.

Can't find time to spend together? The following simple and effective tips will help you reduce your busy schedule and improve the quality of your time with family.

1. Make a list of your activities

Create three categories in the list of activities that must be done at home. The first is what you must do yourself. The two are things that are not required to be done and can be done later. Last is work that can be done by someone other than you, for example a husband or housemaid or other family member.

2. Take advantage of what you have

Take advantage of all that you can use. For example if you have a caregiver, you can tell him to prepare dinner, tidy up toys, throw garbage, and so on. Also find out whether your subscription laundry place has a delivery service and fits your pocket. Try to take care of all the work at once based on location in sequence so that you don't have to go back and forth here and there to take care of it. If there are relatives who want to help you, you don't need to be shy to accept it. Give them clear directions on what they should do. But you must remember not to take advantage of the goodness of others and don't forget to give expressions of gratitude, such as simply inviting you to eat together or pay.

3. Invite children to work together

Invite your child to help you complete your homework. Their hands may still be too small and the results will fall apart. But when you invite your child to do homework, there will be an inner bond formed between you and your child, and this activity can familiarize them with homework. Mother's work is not as a household assistant, but teaches children to be independent. Even small children can do small jobs such as tidying their toys. Make a game of cleaning the house that all family members follow

4. Reduce activities that are a waste of time

If you often lose items that are very important and relatively often used such as shoes and keys, make a special place to put these items to be easier to find. Place a key on the hanger of a nail or a small basket that you place near the entrance. So that the next morning you don't get dizzy because a lot of things are still not finished, make sure at night before you have checked the requirements for tomorrow morning like clothes, shoes and more. If you have to check work and e-mail, try to do it when the child is asleep or before your child wakes up. Same when you have to call or answer, wait until your child sleeps first.

5. Make your work more efficient

Productivity in the office will make you more relaxed if you are at home. You can complete work from anywhere and do not have to be from the office. Ask your boss if you can arrive early or later, or if you can work from home once a week. Before meeting your boss, first ask the HRD department if your request is reasonable. If there is an out-of-town service that you feel is taking too much time, try giving other suggestions such as permission not to participate, or join in later as a substitute, or you participate via Skype.

6. Rely on technology

Using various applications such as Go-Jek or Happy Fresh can save time and money by buying food and basic necessities without having to leave home.

To avoid scheduling collisions and determining free time, arrange important dates such as teacher-parent meetings, school holidays, field trips, and business trips to the calendar at smartphone You. Download an application that can synchronize the calendar of all family members at smartphone different.

7. Rapel dinner

If you cook for dinner, try making twice as much as a regular recipe and save half of it in the refrigerator. Look for easy recipes for all family members from the internet. Try to make your refrigerator full of frozen vegetables and fruits; if you forget to buy fresh vegetables or if you don't have time to cook, you can take frozen food directly in the refrigerator. This can also be done if you are lazy, and only want to eat pizza at night when you have to overtime at work and don't have time to cook.

8. Get to know yourself and your priorities

When you don't try to be a perfect career mother and woman, you can spend even more time. Stop comparing yourself to a perfect mother (who is only in the myth) who can balance herself at work and in the house without blemish. Find out what your priorities are and reach them.

Because each person's priorities are different, do things that help you feel happy and not stressed. If you feel more calm when there is no paper scattered on the dining table, invite the children to help you clean it.

9. Create a new tradition

Don't wait for vacation time to stay close to your child and family. Breakfast with Sundays, playing games together on Fridays, shopping on weekends, or gardening can bring the family closer. Try eating dinner together at least once a week. You should not schedule activities outside the family schedule, because time for family is very important.

Whatever tradition you choose, make sure everyone, including parents, respects the time set. Everyone doesn't use cellphones at the dining table, for example. There is no SMS, no Facebook, and no TV. Don't let other schedules set you up. Have fun and enjoy time with family.

9 Ways to Maximize Family Time
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