Development of Babies at 44 Weeks


Medical Video: Caring For Your Newborn

Development of babies aged 44 weeks

What should be the development of a baby on week 44?

In the last week of the 11th month, babies can:

  • Express his wishes in a way other than crying
  • Playing ball (rolling the ball back to you)
  • Drink with your own glass
  • Take a small object with the tip of the thumb and index finger (keep dangerous objects out of reach of the baby)
  • Can stand well
  • Using childish language (the baby speaks in a language that he made himself so that it sounds unclear)
  • Say a word other than "mama" or "chest"
  • Responds to a one-step command accompanied by a motion ("Give the ball to daddy," by reaching out)
  • Goes well

Babies now understand simple instructions, even though you may be ignored when you say "no". To make the child understand, say the word only if necessary. Even if your baby may not always remember what you said the next day, you can begin to teach some important differences, such as what is right and wrong, and which are safe and dangerous.

Use your instinct as a guide. If the baby pulls the cat's tail, keep his hands away, look into his eyes, and say, "Don't hurt the cat." Then teach the baby how to gently pet the animal.

Health for babies aged 44 weeks

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 44?

Most doctors don't check babies this month. Contact your doctor if there are problems that cannot be waited until the next visit.

Caring for a 44-week-old baby

If the baby holds his breath unconscious, don't worry. There is no need for treatment for children who faint from holding their breath. Although there is no definite treatment for this condition (besides waiting for time to pass until it grows large) there is a possibility that the baby's anger will explode which can make him hold his breath:

  • Make sure the baby has enough rest. Babies who are too tired or active are more vulnerable than babies who often rest
  • Don't bridle the baby with too many rules. If everything is prohibited, the baby will feel frustrated
  • Try to calm the baby before hysterics, for example using music, toys, or other diversion (but not food, which can create other bad habits)
  • Try to relieve tension in your baby, yourself, and others
  • Don't submit immediately. If the baby knows how to get what he wants by holding his breath, he will repeat it, especially because he has become smarter
  • Some research has shown that the trick of holding your breath sometimes stops when children start receiving iron supplements. Check with your doctor to see if this might be a good treatment option for babies.

If the baby continues to hold his breath, for more than a minute, is not related to crying due to illness or frustration, or you are anxious for other reasons, discuss it with the doctor as soon as possible.

Baby shoes

A pair of comfortable baby shoes not only helps the baby move more easily but also protects the baby's feet. Choose the best shoes with the following criteria:

  • Flexible shoe sole
  • Low cut
  • The bottom of the shoes is flat and scratchy without rights
  • Strong leather shoes
  • Not too narrow
  • Standard form

Hair care

Hair care keeps the baby clean and prevents scalp diseases. You can get the best results without having to work too hard with these tips:

  • Arrange tangled hair before starting to give shampoo, so that the hair doesn't get tangled
  • Try using a combination of shampoos, or anti-wrinkle hair sprayers that don't need to be washed
  • Use a rare-tooth comb or a soft-bristled brush with a plastic layer to comb wet hair
  • Arrange frizzy hair from the tip, hold with one hand at the root while tidying, so as not to over-pull the scalp and reduce the pain from it
  • Do not use a hair dryer on baby hair
  • Do not braid or twist baby hair because this model can increase the risk of baldness or thinning hair
  • Do not use hair clips that are too small (or that have small parts) that can make the baby choke
  • Remove the hair tie and hair clip before putting the baby to sleep
  • Trim your own hair or at a children's salon for at least 2 months, for healthier growth
  • Cut a baby's hair when he is not tired, hungry or angry. It's better to give toys before starting
  • Put the baby in front of the mirror so he can see you adjusting his hair. In the end he might learn to appreciate the results.

Which must be considered

What do you need to watch out for when your baby is 44 weeks old?

In the last week of the 11th month, you might be worried about:


Your baby's temperament is how he thinks and reacts with his environment, including sleep and eating patterns, social skills, friendliness, response to entertainment, and other factors. Some babies are gentle, while others are sensitive and cold to new situations. However, there are also those who are steadfast and energetic. Experts now think that temperament is an innate style, not a result of external factors and influences.

You begin to know the picture of your baby's temperament when he is 3-4 months old. At the age of 10 months, the baby's nature becomes clearer. You can begin to accurately imagine what the baby will be like when he gets older by observing his actions and character in different situations. Observe the overall pattern, not just one particular habit.

If there is a baby temperament that you are worried about or that you want to help overcome (such as shyness), it is important to be able to understand and not criticize it. Do not give labels, comment negatively about their nature, or make babies think that they are naughty children. It's better to sympathize and encourage babies to make healthier habits. You must know that you cannot really change your baby's natural tendency, even though you can support certain habits and help him grow according to his temperament.

How is the baby developing the next week?

Development of Babies at 44 Weeks
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