Get to know Syndactyly, the condition of the finger attached to the baby


Medical Video: Syndactly: Infant Finger Separation Surgery at Detroit Medical Center

Sindaktili is a disorder of the human toes or hands that is attached to one another. Usually this disorder occurs in about 1 in 2,500 babies born. Abnormalities are more likely to occur in male babies than girls.

What is Sindaktili Finger?

Sindaktili is a finger disorder whose condition is attached or attached, can stick between 2 fingers or more so that the palm or foot becomes shaped like a duck's foot or goose (webbed fingers) Under normal circumstances, when the fetus is still in the womb, there are a number of genes that function to command a row of cells between two fingers to separate completely. But, in this disorder, the gene has a disorder. As a result, the fingers remain united and do not separate into the other five fingers.

This form of syndactyly disorder has only one third of the length of the finger, or as long as the fingers stick together. Sticking can also only occur in skin tissue, tendons (soft tissue), even in the two adjacent finger bones.

This disorder can actually disrupt and inhibit the growth and development of children. Because the attached finger inhibits the growth of the fingers from the movement of the other fingers beside it. If not overcome, it can interfere with the child's mental development as well.

What causes this finger to stick?

In addition to the existence of genetic disorders since birth, the cause of syndactyly occurring fingers is other conditions in the uterus. This disorder causes abnormal fetal position, ruptured amniotic fluid, or even certain medicines consumed by the mother during pregnancy. If the cause is due to genetic abnormalities, prevention will be difficult. But actually this can be minimized if the cause is drugs that are consumed by the mother during pregnancy.

Is there a way you can treat sindaktili fingers?

So far, the way to separate the fingers attached to one another can be done by separation operations. Usually, this operation is performed when a child is 12-18 months old. The surgical process also depends on how many fingers are attached.

If not only two fingers are attached, separation operations can be carried out one by one prevent complications in the wound and avoid bleeding on the fingers that want to be separated.

After this separation, a graft in the skin fingers may be needed to cover a portion of the wound. Certainly this process takes a little longer.

The faster it is operated on, the better because it can have an impact on the development of the child's fine motor skills in the future. But handling will certainly be adjusted to the condition of the severity of finger abnormalities that occur So it is recommended to check the condition of your fetus or baby to the nearest plastic surgeon. Plastic surgeons can identify the type of finger abnormalities and determine the best therapy for your baby's fingers.

Get to know Syndactyly, the condition of the finger attached to the baby
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