How to Train Shy Children to Be More Courageous in Public


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Little children are sometimes shy and some are very confident. This is something that you may see and normally do. Even though shy children are normal, you as a parent need to train your child to be more courageous and out of their comfort zone. So, he will appear to be a child who is more confident and easy to get along with friends. Of course, this can help develop him.

What makes a child shy?

Shame is common. As much as 20-48% of people have shy personalities, maybe including you. Most shy children are already born like that, but some experiences that have been received by children can also cause children to become shy. An event might have triggered your child to be shy. So, your child may need help to get rid of the shame.

How to train children so that they are not shy?

Shy children are usually independent, wise, and empathetic. However, the negative is that shy children often do not like or are afraid to try new things. It usually takes longer to adjust to a new environment so it may be more difficult to make friends. Instead of not wanting to be friends, he wanted to be friends but it was difficult to approach other people. You can because he is afraid or does not know how to start.

For that, you need to teach shy children to be more courageous in public. Some things you can do to help your child not be shy anymore are:

1. Build self-confidence

It is better not to tell your child that he is shy, this will only make the child feel less confident and more different from other children. So that it will make children more shy. You only need to keep an eye on the child when he plays, give him more time to learn about the surroundings. After he is comfortable with it, he will be happy to play and not be shy anymore. Trust your child that he can do whatever he wants.

2. Place the child in a social situation

Give children the opportunity to always interact with other people, even with people they don't know. This can help eliminate the child's shame slowly. For example, teach children to order themselves and pay for their own food while in a restaurant. Or, invite the child to play outside in the public park with other children. The more often children visit new locations and see new people, the more children can be more confident and not shy anymore.

3. Showing empathy

If you see a child afraid or ashamed when meeting a person, tell him that he does not need to be afraid. Also, maybe you need to tell your child that you also feel embarrassed and how you deal with your own shame. By showing empathy, you help your child feel understood and accepted, help him to understand what he feels, and how he must handle it.

4. Help children interact with others

Some children may not know what to do when meeting people. You may need to show how to greet people, talk, and be friendly with others. That way, children can imitate your behavior. Encourage children to greet their friends while passing or playing together. Invite a friend to talk to you, so the child feels comfortable around him.

If your child speaks successfully in front of other people, you may need to give praise. This makes him feel valued and feels the deed he has done is right. If the child is still quiet in front of people, you may have to discuss this with the child and always invite the child to interact with people so that he or she gets used to it.

How to Train Shy Children to Be More Courageous in Public
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