Parents who are even worse can trigger juvenile delinquency


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A recent study explains how parenting affects children's educational outcomes, including influencing children's relationships with peers, child sexual behavior, and juvenile delinquency. As a result, children who experience hard parenting patterns by parents are more likely to get poor results at school.

The influence of fierce parents on children's educational outcomes

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found that direct and indirect effects of parents play a role in shaping children's behavior, as well as influencing their child's social relationships with peers.

This study was published in the journal Child Development. According to the research leader, Rochelle F. Hentges, this study uses the life history of children to see how parenting affects children's educational outcomes.

In this study, parents who are very hard, or can be said to be fierce, can cause children's education outcomes to decline. The hard care meant here is parents who often shout, beat, and engage in coercive behavior such as verbal or physical threats as a means of punishment.

This long-term, ongoing study also involved 1,482 students over nine years. The research began with participants still in seventh or one grade and ended after they graduated from high school.

At the end of the study, there were 1,060 students who remained under investigation. These teenagers consist of various racial, socio-economic and geographical backgrounds. Teenagers involved in this study reported their parents were physically and verbally abusive. They were also asked to share their interactions with peers, delinquency they did and sexual behavior.

How can fierce parents trigger juvenile delinquency?

Teenagers who have hard parents, look very dependent on their peers, including spending more time with friends than doing homework. And usually they will feel fine when breaking the rules or doing something illegal to maintain friendship.

Students who are raised in hard upbringing, say that their peers are the top priority, and following the rules of the parents becomes second and second.

This will cause them to engage in more risky behavior in class 2 high school, including free sex in women, and greater delinquency such as hitting, stealing on male students.

This behavior causes low educational achievement so that those who have parents are more likely to drop out of school or not continue college.

Hard parenting greatly influences educational outcomes even after taking into account socioeconomic status, standardized test scores, average grades, and educational values.

Teenagers who experience violence feel they don't have someone who can be used as an example so they prefer to follow the behavior of their friends. They will often do delinquency, free sex, and do not care about education.

The results of research on the influence of parents who are too harsh on education and friendship are also very important. This is to prevent juvenile delinquency and increase education and graduation rates.

Parents who are even worse can trigger juvenile delinquency
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