Peel Finished Mumps in Children


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Mumps is an infectious disease, which is when a person is infected by a virus that attacks the salivary glands between the ear and jaw, causing swelling of the upper neck or lower cheeks. Mumps is also commonly referred to as mumps and parotitis. This disease can occur endemic or epidemic and can affect both children and adults. However, often we see this case occurring in children and attacks the age of 2-12 years. To find out more about sundry mumps in children, see the following explanation.

Mumps symptoms

Symptoms of mumps generally consist of fever (38.5-40 degrees Celsius), headache, muscle pain, loss of appetite, back jaw pain when chewing accompanied by stiffness in the jaw (difficult to open the mouth).

Furthermore, swelling of the glands below the ear (parotid) begins with swelling of one side of the gland, then the gland becomes swollen. Swelling usually only lasts for 3 days, then gradually deflates.

Sometimes swelling can occur in the lower gland (submandibular) and sublingual glands. In men who have acquired backwardness, the symptoms are swelling of the testicles (tertis) due to the spread through the bloodstream.

Mode of transmission

The spread of the virus can be transmitted through direct contact, sprinkling of saliva, vomit, and urine. Viruses can be found in the urine from the first day to the fourteenth day after an enlarged gland.

MMR immunization (Mumps, Morbili, Rubella)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to protect children from mumps is to get an MMR injection. Doctors have recommended that all children must get 2 doses of MMR vaccine for the best protection. Your child needs one dose at each of the following ages:

  • 12-15 months
  • 4-6 years

Infants aged 6-11 months must have 1 dose of vaccine before traveling abroad.

Benefits of MMR immunization

Here are some benefits of MMR immunization:

  • Protect children from mumps, measles and rubella.
  • Prevent your child from fever and swelling in the lower ear glands or jaw due to mumps.
  • Keep your child from skipping school (and keeping you from permission not to work to care for your sick child).

Safety of MMR immunization

MMR immunization is very safe and effective for preventing mumps. Most children do not have side effects from this vaccine. Serious side effects are rare, possibly around 1 in 3,000 people. MMR immunization also has no relationship with autism in children, some studies have proven this.

How to deal with mumps

According to the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), the following are general management methods for mumps:

  • Take a break when a fever and gland become swollen.
  • You can use febrifuge and pain relief (antipyretics and analgesics), such as paracetamol and the like.
  • If there is swelling of the testes, lay on the bed or be compressed to reduce pain in the testicles.
  • Give liquid and soft food intake.

Other facts that need to be known

The following are some other information that you need to know:

  • The shoot period (incubation period) of mumps is around 12-24 days with an average of 17-18 days.
  • Someone who has had mumps will have immunity for the rest of his life.
  • Almost all children who suffer from mumps will recover completely without complications (self limiting disease), but sometimes the symptoms worsen after about 2 weeks. Complications that can occur are inflammation of one or both testicles, inflammation of one or both ovaries, inflammation of the brain or the lining of the brain, and others.
  • Eating foods that contain iodine levels can reduce the risk of mumps.

Myths about mumps

If in ancient times mumps sufferers were given blau (blue objects to wash clothes), actually this was clinically completely unrelated. Most likely it was done so that children affected by mumps are embarrassed if they play out of the house, hoping that the child will have enough rest at home to help with the healing process.

Peel Finished Mumps in Children
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