Table of Ideal Child Weight Based on Age


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In addition to monitoring children's health in general, the important thing you should pay attention to is your child's weight. His weight is very influential on the process of growth and development of children. However, determining the ideal body weight is not enough if only seen from the appearance or body shape of the child. Every child has different body shape. In addition, hereditary factors play an important role in the formation of the body and the development of one's weight.

Ideally the child's weight will increase along with the addition of height. In addition, proportional body shape will grow and develop with age as well. Therefore, the ideal weight gain for children can change over time.

What is the ideal body weight of a child based on his age?

The ideal body weight for each child is different. However, just as an illustration, you can pay attention to the table's average height and weight based on the age below. The following data are obtained from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is equivalent to the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control in the United States.

Because the following table can only be used as a reference (not a fixed price), you should keep checking your child regularly with a doctor or Puskesmas to monitor their growth and development.

table of height and weight of children

What if the child's weight is not ideal?

Determine the child's weight is less or excessive, preferably through consultation with a pediatrician. Your doctor will measure your child's height and weight several times to determine whether the growth is normal or not.

In addition to data through size, it is likely that doctors will also ask questions to parents about health, diet, physical activity, and family health history. This is done to find out if there really is a problem with your child's weight or growth.

measure the child's weight is important

Child's weight is less than normal

It's natural for parents to worry when the child's weight turns out to be less than average. Because the weight less than normal can cause various disorders in the growth and development of children.

For children with low body weight, it does not mean they should be given high-calorie foods such as candy, chocolate, cakes, sweet drinks, or fatty foods. Your children still need a diet with balanced nutrition consisting of carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, minerals, fiber, and good fats.

Then, what must be observed also is that if the child continues to experience a lack of weight, this may be caused by certain health problems. So if a child is underweight accompanied by symptoms such as easy fatigue or pain, frequent coughing, abdominal pain, or diarrhea that has been more than two weeks, immediately consult a pediatrician.

Excessive child weight

Be careful of the risk of obesity if at this time your baby's weight has exceeded its natural limits. To overcome this, consult your doctor and nutritionist so you can plan changes in your diet and lifestyle. Remember, do not carelessly force children to follow a strict diet and limit foods that are actually nutritious. This can actually make children malnourished and growth stunted.

It's better to reduce foods with high sugar or fat content, such as biscuits, cakes, sweets, and soft drinks. While reducing unhealthy foods, add healthy food intake. For example from fruit, vegetables, eggs, nuts, and meat high in protein such as fish.

Do not underestimate the child's weight is not ideal, huh. Children and adolescents who are overweight or obese, when adults are more susceptible to diabetes (diabetes), high cholesterol, and high blood pressure (hypertension).

Table of Ideal Child Weight Based on Age
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