The Main Steps That Every Parent Must Do to Prevent Diphtheria


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Diphtheria spread again in Indonesia. The Ministry of Health reports in the range from October to November 2017, diphtheria bacteria were found to spread in 20 Indonesian provinces. That is why the Government is now making an outbreak of diphtheria as an outbreak aka Extraordinary Events. What makes diphtheria bacteria return to show their fangs in Indonesia, and what can we do to stop the spread of this disease?

Overview of diphtheria

Diphtheria is a disease caused by Corynebacterium. This infection usually attacks the throat, nose and skin. Diphtheria spreads rapidly through airborne particles when coughing or sneezing carelessly (not covering his mouth or wearing a mask), spitting carelessly, and from skin contact with contaminated personal items. Touching a wound that is infected with the bacteria that causes it can also make you exposed to this disease.

Common symptoms that usually appear are sore throat and hoarseness, difficulty breathing and swallowing, runny nose, excessive drooling, chills, chills, and loud coughing. This series of symptoms is caused by bacterial toxins that are carried away into the bloodstream and damage the heart, kidneys, brain nervous system, and other healthy body tissues.

Indonesia has been named as a diphtheria-free country by the World Health Organization (WHO) since the 1990s. This bacterium had "visited" in 2009, but was successfully eradicated in 2013. Not until mid-October 2017, a new case of diphtheria reappeared. It is noted that almost more than 95 districts in 20 provinces have contracted diphtheria. Areas included are West Sumatra, Central Java, Aceh, South Sumatra, South Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Riau, Banten, DKI Jakarta, West Java, and East Java.

What causes diphtheria to endemic in Indonesia?

At first diphtheria can not show significant symptoms. That is why many people who are actually infected can be totally unaware that they are sick. Unfortunately, until now diphtheria bacteria have no cure. Therefore, one thing that can be done and guaranteed to be effective is to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Prevention of diphtheria bacteria can only be done through vaccines, aka immunization. WHO has obliged every country to carry out routine vaccines to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases. This is what has also been done by the Indonesian Ministry of Health for a long time.

Unfortunately, not all Indonesian children get a complete vaccine, including diphtheria immunization, due to a variety of things. According to the Indonesian Health Profile data, in 2015 the coverage of complete basic immunization for children under five only reached 86.54 percent. Meanwhile, the number targeted by the government at that time was 91 percent.

According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, 66% of cases of diphtheria that have emerged lately are due to unconsciousness, negligence, and / or rejection of vaccination. Many parents are hesitant or even totally refuse to immunize their children because they believe in misunderstandings circulating in the community. For example, rumors say that immunization causes paralysis or autism - two myths that are wrong and have been denied by so many valid medical studies. This is what triggers the return of diphtheria in Indonesia in many years.

Indonesian children must be immunized to prevent the spread of diphtheria

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) and the Indonesian Ministry of Health incessantly urge every parent to bring their children as soon as possible to get diphtheria immunization (which is included in multiple DPT vaccines), both at clinics and Puskesmas.

In fact, diphtheria is very easy to attack children and toddlers who are not immunized and then spread to other areas. That is why every child must be immunized. Even adults can still get diphtheria. Most cases of diphtheria in adults are caused by not being vaccinated or immunization status that has been incomplete since childhood.

Also realize the symptoms of diphtheria before it's too late

Diphtheria can not cause any symptoms at first. However, be aware of the initial symptoms that may arise from this infection, such as high fever (above 38 degrees Celsius), the appearance of grayish membranes in the throat that bleed easily when released, pain during swallowing, accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, and tightness breath and snoring sound.

If you suspect your child or other family member has contracted diphtheria, do not delay treatment and take it immediately to the nearest hospital. Emergency treatment for diphtheria usually involves isolation (so as not to spread to others) and the administration of anti-diphtheria serum (ADS) and antibiotics (penicillin and erythromycin).

If it is not handled properly, not only do you risk transmitting the disease to other people, but it can also lead to death. Children and the elderly are more susceptible to complications that include respiratory failure, inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis), heart failure, and kidney failure. It is estimated that one in five and older people over 40 die from complications of diphtheria.

The Main Steps That Every Parent Must Do to Prevent Diphtheria
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