Poor baby weight, can you give formula milk?


Medical Video: Tips if infant is failing to gain weight even with regular feeding - Dr. Sanjay Panicker

Babies who have less weight are more susceptible to various diseases which of course will inhibit their growth and development. Less baby weight must be addressed immediately. Then, can formula milk be relied upon to make a baby's weight rise? Is giving formula milk to babies who are underweight?

What causes less baby weight?

A baby's weight that is lacking at birth can be caused by various problems that occur during pregnancy. This condition is called low birth weight (LBW). There are several things that cause a LBW baby:

  • Maternal nutritional status during pregnancy is not normal, tends to be less.
  • Having complications during pregnancy.
  • The distance of pregnancy is close to the birth of the previous child.
  • Overall maternal health condition.
  • The age of the mother is too young, or less than 21 years.

All of these things can cause babies born with low weight or less than 2500 grams. Meanwhile, less weight that occurs in infants aged 1-6 months can be caused by:

  • Infectious disease. Babies who experience an infection, whether it's a viral or bacterial infection, are more often found to be malnourished.
  • The food provided cannot meet their needs. This condition does not only make the baby experience weight loss, but also susceptible to infectious diseases.

Can I give formula milk to gain baby weight?

There are still many mothers who think that formula milk is better given to their babies, so that growth and development are good. In fact, many studies have stated that breast milk is the best food for babies. The provision of exclusive breastfeeding is highly recommended until the baby is 6 months old and is followed by providing complementary food for breast milk until the child is 2 years old.

Breast milk is still the best food and is easily digested by babies less than 6 months old, even though he is underweight. The thing to note is the quality and quantity of mother's own breast milk, the better the quality and quantity of the milk, the baby's eating needs will be fulfilled well.

milk for nursing mothers

If my ASI quality is not good, can it be replaced with formula milk?

ASI does depend on the food consumed and the nutritional status of the mother. Both of these not only affect the quality, but also the quantity of breast milk. However, the fact is that even if a mother experiences malnutrition, she will still be able to produce good quality and quantity of breast milk.

Because, the mother's body will prioritize milk production rather than repairing her malnourished body. So breast milk will be made from the remnants of food reserves that are in the mother's body. so, it is almost impossible for a mother to have poor quality ASI.

Therefore, do not worry too much about the quality of your milk and keep giving your beloved baby milk produced. If you have difficulty producing milk or breastmilk cannot come out, you can consult a nutritionist to help plan the food that is right for you.

Then, which one is preferred? ASI or formula milk?

Until now, breast milk is the most easily digested food and good for babies less than 6 months old. However, there are a number of conditions that make babies should be given formula milk and what determines this is the medical team that handles your baby.

And if the baby is forced to be given formula milk, you should first consult this problem with a nutritionist, because planning to deal with malnutrition in infants must be done properly. Wrong-wrong giving formula milk, it will cause other problems for the baby.

Poor baby weight, can you give formula milk?
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