4 Advantages of Having Sex During Pregnancy which is a shame if missed


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Pregnant does not necessarily stop your sexual activity with your partner. Having sex is very safe when you are pregnant. Having sex does not harm the baby in the womb. In fact, there are a number of amazing benefits that you can get from sex, especially if you have successful orgasms during pregnancy. Come on, peek further!

What happens when women orgame

Orgasm is a series of physical reactions that occur in response to sexual stimulation. The orgasm slowly builds up from the brain's command signal to drain heavy blood into the pelvis and also the vagina, making the wet wall lubricated by vaginal fluid, and making the clitoris erect.

The more intense the stimulation the brain receives, then your breathing becomes faster, the heart rate increases, the nipple becomes hard, your vagina narrows to hold the penis, and the muscles of the body tighten before finally contracting tightly as the climax and back to relax.

At the same time, the brain continues to release large amounts of endorphins, prolactin, and oxytocin which function to repel pain and provide sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

An orgasm during pregnancy does not make a miscarriage

Uterine contractions that occur during orgasm are feared by many women can cause miscarriage or premature labor. However, this assumption is incorrect.

The uterine contractions are only mild, transient, and harmless. In fact, it is beneficial for pregnant women. The only situation in which a woman is advised to avoid orgasm during pregnancy is when she first risks having a premature birth or placental bleeding.

What are the benefits of orgasm during pregnancy?

Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., a sex counselor and pregnancy and fitness trainer in America, stated that orgasm during pregnancy can be more intense than before because of an increase in blood flow from the heart to the genital and pelvic area as an effect of the pregnancy itself . Some women reach orgasm for the first time during pregnancy, multiple orgasms, and can even orgasm in broad daylight without having to receive sexual stimulation.

Here are some of the benefits of orgasm during pregnancy, which is a pity to miss.

1. Helps relieve stress

Pregnancy is often stressful, either because of it morning sickness which happens continuously, lost appetite, insomnia, and a number of other things. If left unchecked, stress will adversely affect you and your baby.

It is not new news anymore that driving out stress is one of the benefits of sex. Sex and orgasm release mood hormones, happy endorphins and dopamine in large quantities to suppress the production of the stress hormone cortisol, so that frustration or stress can be replaced by feeling relaxed, comfortable, and happy.

Loralei Thornburg, MD, assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a mother and baby health specialist at the University of Rochester Medical Center states that orgasm during pregnancy can make you much more relaxed and help you sleep better. Moreover, a study found that sex increases levels of IgA, antibodies that help fight the causes of colds and other infections.

2. Reducing the risk of heart disease during pregnancy

Sex can also reduce physical symptoms of stress, such as lowering blood pressure which can reduce the risk of preeclampsia to cure headaches. Sex can even reduce the risk of heart disease during pregnancy (peripartum cardiomyopathy).

Different from before pregnancy, your heart will pump blood up to 50 percent more during pregnancy. Increasing the work of the heart is affected by additional body loads in the form of a fetus that must get a supply of oxygen and important nutrients without stopping through the mother's bloodstream. Heart disease is the most susceptible to occur within three months after giving birth, especially in mothers in their 30s.

Quoted from the Medical Daily, sex can reduce homocysteine, a sulfur chemical containing amino acids found in the blood. The higher the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, the higher the risk of blood vessel blockage. In fact, a smooth blood flow is needed by the heart so that it can carry out its functions properly.

3. Increased sexual desire

A study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine reports that 40 percent of women want sex more often during pregnancy than when they are not pregnant. This is due to changes in the hormones progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone which increase sex drive during pregnancy.

In addition, increasing sex drive during pregnancy can also be affected by physical changes that make women feel much sexier than usual. In addition, the body tends to have more natural lubricants that can add to the pleasure of sex without pain. These factors will make pregnant women enjoy sex more than usual.

4. Strengthen relationships with partners

The release of the hormone oxytocin, endorphins and dopamine from sex is also commonly referred to as the love hormone and kelonan. That's why sex during pregnancy can help strengthen your inner and emotional bond with your partner. All of these factors are part of a harmonious foundation of household relations.

So, for those of you who are pregnant and wondering if having sex to reach orgasm while pregnant is safe or not, the answer is safe. However, before you still need to consult in advance the condition of your pregnancy to the obstetrician before making love with your partner.

4 Advantages of Having Sex During Pregnancy which is a shame if missed
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