6 Tips to Stay Fresh and Fit for Pregnant Women Fasting


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There is no prohibition for pregnant women to fast as long as you and the baby in the womb are declared healthy according to the doctor. Even so, there are several things that should be considered by pregnant women during fasting, so that you feel your body is still fit even though you are fasting during pregnancy.

Is it safe to fast while pregnant?

Actually, being safe or not fasting during pregnancy depends on your health and your baby. During pregnancy, your baby needs lots of nutrients. If your body has enough energy and nutrients, fasting during pregnancy will probably not have a major impact on your health and your fetus. In addition to health, which needs to be considered if you want to fast during pregnancy is the gestational age and duration of your fasting.

One of the studies conducted in Tehran, Iran, showed that pregnant women who fasted in the first trimester had a 1.5 times greater risk of giving birth to babies with low birth weight. This happens because of lack of nutritional intake to the fetus. Because the first trimester of pregnancy requires more calorie intake to meet the needs of mothers and babies.

Remember, only you can judge how healthy or strong you are to fast. Talk to the field or doctor to help consider the best choices for you.

Fasting tips for pregnant women to stay fresh and fit

Here are some tips that pregnant women can do to stay healthy and fit when fasting:

1. Avoid stress

One study showed that pregnant women who fasted in Ramadan had higher levels of the hormone cortisol (stress-causing hormone) than pregnant women who did not fast. Therefore, as much as possible stay calm and make things easier and don't hesitate to receive help if you really need it when offered.

2. Avoid doing heavy work

Reduce homework and anything that makes you tired. In addition, avoid walking away or carrying something heavy. If you are an office worker, ask for a reduction in working hours or increase rest time so you don't get tired.

3. Find a cool place

During fasting, you are prone to dehydration. Dehydration can be dangerous for pregnant women. That is why, try to always be in a cool room to avoid these risks.

4. Pay attention to nutritional intake

The choice of food when opening and sahur is an important key when you decide to fast during pregnancy. Eat nutritious foods that contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals that are good for you and the fetus. Instead of eating foods high in fat, choose healthier foods like fruit and vegetables.

5. Limit sweet foods

Avoid breaking the fast by eating sweet foods and drinks that are high in sugar because you can raise your blood sugar levels quickly. Changes in blood sugar levels that are too fast can make you feel dizzy and faint.

6. Drink plenty of water

Try to drink water about 1.5-2 liters of water between breaking the fast until dawn. Also avoid caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee. Because the caffeine will actually trigger you to become dehydrated, especially if the weather is hot.

Things to watch out for when fasting during pregnancy

Contact your doctor as soon as possible if:

  • Dehydrated. This condition is generally characterized by dizziness, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, nausea, feeling very thirsty, dark yellow urine and pungent odor.
  • There is a change in fetal movements in the womb, as if the fetus is not as active as usual.
  • Feel abdominal pain such as contractions.
6 Tips to Stay Fresh and Fit for Pregnant Women Fasting
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