About Dreams During First Trimester Pregnancy


Medical Video: What to Expect in the 1st Trimester: Q&A with Belly to Baby

If you have strange or bad dreams about your baby or about giving birth, you are not alone. During pregnancy, dreams are more unexpected than before. Dreams often reflect anxiety, because you think more about changes that occur in the body and moments when you become a mother.

Dreams can sometimes be clear or even creepy. If a dream disturbs you, talk to your partner, friend, family member, or midwife. Telling someone about your dream will reduce your nightmare. The midwife will convince you that there is nothing to worry about.

Even though the dreams that you experience are impossible to predict, there are some images that can appear at certain stages of pregnancy. To help explain your dreams, read the following.

Dream about growing children

When you are pregnant for the first time, you may dream about giving birth to an adult or growing child. This can mean that you consider raising an older baby or child less scary than caring for a weak newborn. Or you might be anxious to get back to work after giving birth, and worry about spending your baby's time.

If you are a mother for the first time, you may feel a little nervous about the process of giving birth. Hope for childbirth can easily play a role in dreams where the baby just comes out suddenly.

Dream about driving and building

You may feel changes in the body during pregnancy. You might like a new body shape or maybe feel uncomfortable about your body. However, your feelings can be drawn through dreams.

Driving is often a reflection of how you go through life. Do you dream of driving a truck, bus or other vehicle that is difficult to turn? This may indicate your feelings about adjusting to changes in shape.

Pregnant women often dream about buildings, from simple rooms to skyscrapers. This building is usually a place where objects are put together, for example a factory or a shipyard, which deals with babies formed in the womb.

For the same reason, you might find that the size and complexity of buildings in dreams grows with increasing gestational age. Skyscrapers are usually a common dream theme.

Dream about water

From puddles to oceans, you might find that water is a theme that often appears in your dreams. Life begins with water creatures, wrapped in fluid in the womb. If you dream of animals, you could be living things that live in water, such as tadpoles and fish.

Swimming is a common theme in first trimester dreams, because fluids begin to accumulate in the uterus. The liquid is initially only a few milliliters but will increase between 800 ml-1000 ml when it is 36 weeks into gestation. It's natural if your dream is about water.

In the process of pregnancy, dreams about water may become more dramatic. For example, dreaming about giant waves might symbolize leaky water.

You may ask your husband's dream because he might have a dream that is also unusual.

About Dreams During First Trimester Pregnancy
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