Is It Safe to Take Ulcer Medication When Pregnant?


Medical Video: Stomach Ulcer | Nucleus Health

Ulcer is a disease that often attacks people with various ages. Not only in adulthood, sometimes children and adolescents can also experience diseases that are accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Heartburn can also affect pregnant women because of hormonal influences that can affect the condition of pregnant women. Then, can you take ulcer medicine while pregnant?

Why can pregnant women experience ulcers?

The hormone that affects the occurrence of this disorder is generally the hormone progesterone. This hormone functions to build the lining of the uterine wall so that it can give the effect of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women and cause soaring acid levels in the stomach so that ulcer disease often appears in pregnant women.

The reason why pregnant women often experience symptoms of stomach ulcers is also caused because in pregnant women, the pressure in the stomach becomes higher due to pressure from the uterus which is filled with babies.

In conditions of old pregnancy, the digestive organs will be more depressed towards the top due to the growing condition of the baby. In addition, high levels of hormones during pregnancy can slow bowel movements and keep food longer in the stomach.

Before taking ulcer medication during pregnancy, make sure first ...

Before you decide to take ulcer medicine while pregnant, you first find out the complaints you feel when you are pregnant. Below are some of the complaints of the digestive tract which are most often complained of by pregnant women and actions that can be taken.

If the mother has nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, or other terms morning sickness, usually appears at the beginning of the pregnancy. Risk factors for occurrence morning sickness this is young age, obesity, first pregnancy, and smoking. The cause is still a controversy, but things that are thought to be the cause of this are hormonal factors and abnormal bowel movements.

For symptoms that are not severe, the thing that pregnant women can do is avoid things that trigger this, change their diet to small portions, on schedule, and reduce fatty foods.

However, for severe symptoms, pregnant women can use antimual drugs in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The use of ulcer drugs such as antacids and vitamin B6 is also proven to reduce nausea in pregnant women.

If the mother has GERD gastric acid reflux)

This disease usually appears when a woman is pregnant. The thing that causes stomach acid reflux in pregnant women is due to the slowing down of bowel movements and increased abdominal pressure to the stomach. In pregnant women, pressure from the baby that suppresses the stomach can also cause this disease to occur.

What can be done is to sleep with your head elevated, avoid bending, eat small and regular portions, and avoid sleeping immediately after eating. If there is no significant change after doing all these things, then the consumption of ulcer drugs, such as antacids and sucralfates can be consumed safely by pregnant women to reduce symptoms. However, the use of ulcer drugs must be in accordance with the dosage recommended by the doctor.

3. Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcers are rarely found during pregnancy. Risk factors for this are smoking, alcohol, stress, and a history of bacterial infection helicobacter pylori. Symptoms that arise are heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and burning sensation in the abdomen or chest. An ulcer drug that can be taken to help overcome this is an H-2 receptor inhibitor, such as ranitidine, famotidine, and cimetidine. If a bacterial infection is found helicobacter pylori, then therapy to treat this infection can begin after the baby is born.

Before taking ulcer medication during pregnancy, it's a good idea to consult your doctor first. Do not make your own dose, immediately go to the doctor so as not to endanger yourself and your pregnancy. This is the only safe way to take ulcer medication during pregnancy.

Is It Safe to Take Ulcer Medication When Pregnant?
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