Is Safe for Ranitidine Medication for Pregnant Women?


Medical Video: Over the Counter Medications During Pregnancy (Obstetrics - First Trimester)

Ulcer can still occur when someone is pregnant. The condition of the ulcer itself cannot be avoided, because indeed hormones and the physical condition of prospective mothers who are not prime can trigger a recurrence of an ulcer to occur. One drug that is often consumed by some people to relieve pain in the stomach, namely ranitidine. Is it safe for ranitidine for pregnant women?

What is raniditin?

Ranitidine is a type of drug to block or reduce excessive acid in the stomach or digestive tract. This drug can reduce gastric acid reflux from the digestive tract so as to reduce pain such as nausea and pain due to stomach ulcers.

Ranitidine drugs for pregnant women according to the FDA agency in the United States, do not cause problems for the fetus, although this drug will also pass through the baby's placenta and can reach the fetus. But the use of ranitidine drugs is only permitted on the basis of supervision from a doctor. Other types of drugs that are included to block acid production include famotidine, nizatidine, and cimetidine.

Is it safe for pregnant women to take Ranitidine?

There is no definite answer to this statement. When you decide to take this medicine during pregnancy, it is very important to consider how the risks for your health against the dangers that may occur for you or your baby. Usually, it depends on how long your womb lasts and affects the health and development of the fetus.

Ranitidine or H2 receptor inhibitors have been tested in pregnant women, and have not been shown to harm the development of the fetus in the womb. Because of this, raniditine is safer to use for pregnancy when there are lifestyle changes such as avoiding spicy, fatty, or coconut milk.

What is the recommended dose dose?

If you take ranitidine for pregnant women, the dosage varies, not the same as one another. Depending on the purpose of use, the severity, symptoms, and medical history of the pregnant woman itself. The recommended adult dose is usually 300 mg per day, usually considered safe for pregnant women. Smaller doses are usually around 75 mg and 150 mg can be consumed if the complaint is not too chronic. Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting to consume at any given dose.

If you accidentally drink ranitidine during pregnancy?

It is recommended to find as much information as possible. If you are taking these drugs and without knowing you are pregnant, or are on a pregnancy program, you should consult a doctor. A study was conducted, between 1985 and 1990 to determine the effect of ranitidine for pregnant women during the final stages of pregnancy, especially the third trimester. However, from the study there were no serious dangers that could threaten the lives of mothers and fetuses.

Is Safe for Ranitidine Medication for Pregnant Women?
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