Mothers who are pregnant with baby girls are more vulnerable to infection


Medical Video: Pregnancy Danger: Infection that can be harmful to baby

Almost all parents feel curious about the sex of the baby to be born. Not infrequently, they do a number of tests or just guessing at the baby who will be born later, whether female or male. But apparently, the sex of the baby can affect the mother's immune system when she is pregnant for 9 months. Recent research has found that the immune system of mothers who are pregnant with a baby girl is lower. How can?

The sex of the fetus influences the mother's immune system

The statement emerged from a study conducted by Ohio State University research. In a study published in the journal "Brain, Behavior, and Immunity", a baby boy or girl being conceived by the mother will affect the mother's immune system during pregnancy.

 The study invited as many as 80 mothers whose pregnancies varied, from the first trimester to the third trimester. Pregnant women who are respondents are examined for their immune levels and are noted to have any medical history. Then, after they gave birth, the researchers recorded the sex of each mother's baby.

At the end of the study, researchers found that mothers who contain girls more often experience infectious diseases.

Mothers who are pregnant with female genitalia tend to be more susceptible to infectious diseases

Actually, when the body is attacked by bacteria or viruses, naturally the immune system will respond. One response made by your immune system when you experience an infection is inflammation and swelling. But when inflammation persists and is excessive, the body becomes stressed and increases the risk of chronic disease.

From the results of these studies, it is known that mothers who contain female babies will more often experience various infectious diseases, such as asthma and allergies, than mothers who contain male fetuses. This is because the mother's body containing female babies tends to produce cytokines - one part of the human immune system - more. This condition makes the body become more inflamed.

Researchers do not know for sure why the sex of the baby can affect the mother's immune system. However, they believe that every sex of the baby conceived by the mother will give a different response to the infection that occurs. they also assume that this is related to the regulation of different hormones.

Infectious diseases can cause pregnancy complications

Infectious diseases experienced by the mother can influence the growth and development of the fetus. Some things that might arise due to infectious diseases, such as premature birth, miscarriage, and low birth weight babies. While pregnant women can experience complications such as preeclampsia and experience malnutrition during pregnancy.

But that does not mean that the infectious disease you experience is caused by the sex of the baby you are pregnant with. Things can cause you to get an infection during pregnancy, so it is important to do a medical examination.

Mothers who are pregnant with baby girls are more vulnerable to infection
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