Watch out! Drinking Coffee When Pregnant Can Make Babies Obesity


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When pregnant, women must pay attention to every food and drink consumed. Because, whatever you eat will be distributed to the baby in the womb. For those of you who are accustomed to drinking coffee, it's good to immediately limit the portions as well as possible. Because, drinking coffee most during pregnancy can make your baby affected by obesity. How can?

Most coffee during pregnancy can increase the risk of obese babies

fat child weight

Drinking coffee, tea, or other caffeinated drinks can indeed be an effective antidote to overcoming fatigue. However, if this habit is continued when you are pregnant, it will pose a risk to the health of the fetus.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), drinking too much coffee during pregnancy can increase the risk of obesity in children. This research was proven after examining 51,000 women and their babies, noting how much caffeine was consumed during pregnancy.

Experts find that women who are used to drinking more than three cups of coffee a day have obese children at the age of 3 to 5 years. In fact, this possibility has been seen since the children were still babies.

When pregnant women drink coffee, the caffeine content can enter the placenta and affect digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body of the fetus. Experts also believe that caffeine can change "fetal programming" which then affects the baby's weight at birth.

If when the baby is overweight, this will carry over until he reaches the children's phase. As a result, children are at risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke as adults.

How much caffeine can a pregnant woman consume?

drink coffee while pregnant

Remember, caffeine isn't just about coffee, you know! Tea, chocolate, soft drinks, and energy drinks also contain caffeine which must be limited by pregnant women.

Reporting from Prevention, pregnant women are not recommended to drink coffee exceed 200 mg or equivalent to two cups per day. Besides causing obese babies, drinking coffee and other caffeinated drinks can also increase the risk of miscarriage twice as much.

Therefore, always pay attention to the caffeine content in each food and drink consumed. Well, the following is the average caffeine content found in foods and drinks that we often encounter, including:

  • Brewed coffee: 95-165 mg per glass
  • Instant coffee: 50-76 mg per glass
  • Black tea: 48 mg per glass
  • Green tea: 40 mg per glass
  • Carbonated drinks: 24-48 mg per can
  • Energy drinks: 27-164 mg per can
  • Chocolate: 25 mg per stem

By knowing the amount of caffeine in food and drinks, you will be better able to limit caffeine intake during pregnancy. Remember, no more than two cups of coffee per day, yes!

How do you limit coffee drinking during pregnancy?

trembling after drinking coffee

You might be confused about where to start so you can stop drinking coffee while pregnant. Relax, you can still drink coffee and other caffeinated drinks, really. But with a maximum of two cups per day.

If you want to continue to reduce the habit of drinking coffee, do it gradually. For example, mix caffeinated coffee with coffee that does not contain caffeine. This initial step will help you not be 'shocked' after getting used to drinking large amounts of coffee.

Initially, you may indeed feel symptoms of headache, fatigue, sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, and drastic mood swings. But you don't need to worry, this is common as a form of the body's response to changing habits.

To be healthier, choose the type of drink that is healthier for pregnant women, such as milk, fruit juice, or water. There is nothing wrong, right, to limit coffee drinking during pregnancy in order to maintain the health of you and your baby?

Watch out! Drinking Coffee When Pregnant Can Make Babies Obesity
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