Heavy smokers have long been associated with a risk of psychotic disorders that lead to schizophrenia. But whe...
Job demands, problems that occur at home, or school exam schedules that are getting closer can create stress a...
Are you a possessive couple? According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, possessiveness is the nature that fee...
Sometimes, stress can affect anyone without you knowing it. Stress due to work, for example. Your boss in the ...
The average Indonesian smokes 12.4 cigarettes every day. Based on the latest data from the 2013 Basic Health R...
According to American Psychological Association, around 3 out of 4 adult women experience at least once a mont...
If it involves physical complaints, such as coughing cold or chest pain, chances are that you already know whi...
Although there are many habits that can affect physical health, there are also some bad habits that damage emo...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by obsessions or thoughts that...
Husband and wife relations are not always smooth and beautiful. Sometimes, there are times when couples (coupl...