Mental Disorders Must Be Treated or Can Be Cured Alone? This is the fact!


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Lately, the issue of mental health disorders (mental disorders) has been widely discussed in the community. Of course you are familiar with the term mental disorder. According to data from basic health research (RISKESDAS), the prevalence of mental emotional disorders characterized by anxiety and depression in Indonesia is 14 million. Ironically, people with mental disorders (called ODGJ) get inappropriate treatment such as being locked up and locked up. This situation is one of the reasons for this lack of knowledge and persistent stigma. Then actually what should be done when someone has a mental disorder? Must be treated immediately or can it actually heal itself?

Mental health is often underestimated

Crazy or mental illness is the term most often used by lay people who have a mental disorder. Actually mental disorders or mental disorders do not know the term mental illness or crazy.

The concept of mental disorders according to the Guidelines for Classifying and Diagnosing Mental Disorders in Indonesia (PPDGJ) is a syndrome or pattern of behavior that is clinically meaningful, related to disability in one or more important functions of humans. In summary, the concept of mental disorder is to have clinical symptoms that are meaningful, cause suffering, and disability in daily activities.

Mental disorders also have various groups and each treatment is different. However, many people do not care about mental health and they do not know the threatening danger in the future.

Most people with mental disorders do not check the condition

Mental health is often ignored. This does not only happen in the community, but also health workers sometimes. According to the Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS), nearly 50 percent of health workers ignore mental health.

Stigma is the biggest barrier today. Assumptions and sayings such as mental disorders do not have to be examined by a doctor, can heal by itself, and ODGJ is dangerous can make people reluctant to seek treatment.

Another case in people with anosognosia, which is a condition in which a person shows clear signs of a mental disorder, but is not aware of this because of a lack of understanding of yourself. People with mental disorders cannot know their condition accurately and this anosognosia 50 percent is reported in people with schizophrenia or other chronic mental disorders.

Other factors such as fear of side effects of drugs, worry about the results of the diagnosis, and feel it is a waste of time and money. Some people also mistakenly assume that mental disorders are caused by lack of faith. In fact, mental disorders are caused by a disruption in the balance of chemicals (neurotransmitters) or damage to cells and nerves of a person's brain.

Covert Depression

Danger if the mental disorder is ignored

There are a number of things that can happen if you don't immediately deal with mental disorders.

1. ODGJ's condition gets worse

Mental disorders cannot heal on their own, so it is still necessary to go to a skilled health professional (a psychiatrist, also known as a psychiatrist) for further examination.

If not checked, the symptoms experienced by ODGJ can get worse, even worse than before. For example, you might become increasingly unable to get out of the house because of depression and despair, why go to the office if you don't feel your work is valued.

2. Damage the cognitive function of the brain

If a mental disorder attacks you, this situation can affect your achievement in school or the ability to learn anything. Because the mental disorder is a problem related to the normal functioning of the brain, namely processing information, storing information (memory), thinking logically, and making decisions.

In fact, not a few children and adolescents are forced drop out from school because of serious psychiatric problems that are not handled appropriately.

3. Quality of life and personal relationships disturbed

Mental disorders can worsen a person's quality of life Easy things like getting out of bed, working, and socializing can turn out to be difficult things to do. Problems ranging from financial, personal, social relations, to physical health problems can arise.

4. Death

No healthy person wants to commit suicide. Unfortunately, mental disorders can make a person lose the ability to think rationally and adapt to their environment. Therefore, people who have suicidal tendencies cannot see other solutions other than ending their lives.

This erroneous thought is very preventable! The trick is to check yourself or the person closest to you who has depression or shows symptoms of wanting to commit suicide.

Mental Disorders Must Be Treated or Can Be Cured Alone? This is the fact!
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