What Are the Reasons for People to Survive in a Broken Relationship?


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Broken relationship continue it certainly makes both parties tired. Then why are there still many couples who have repeatedly broken up and finally come back together? Is it because both of them have difficulty leaving the past? Or are there other reasons deeper psychologically? Consider the considerations below, let's say.

The reason people survive in a relationship breaks up

To answer this question, researchers from the University of Utah and the University of Toronto in the United States did a research. In the research published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, nearly half of the research participants claimed to feel unsure before ending their relationship with a partner.

The participants were then interviewed about their decisions, whether they left the couple or stayed afloat. Apparently, the most reason why someone is difficult to leave their partners there are three. Here are the reasons.

  • Bond (emotional intimacy) which has already been formed
  • Feeling has sacrificed many things for the relationship
  • Sense of responsibility (whether in a partner or in the relationship itself)

For the reasons above, people have difficulty releasing themselves completely from a partner. Instead of breaking up then move on, Instead, you go back to the relationship that had already run aground.

This is why from the outside, you can easily judge that other people's relationships are unhealthy and they should just break up. However, for people who undergo the relationship, ending the relationship is not easy at all. Although there are actually clear reasons why the partner is not worth keeping.

Instead of having to take decisive and absolute decisions, people also tend to go through a broken relationship. In their hearts they knew that the relationship could not be forced, but for some reason it was very difficult to separate.

fight with boyfriend

Not ready move on, hope it's too high, or everything?

Some study participants also stated that being separated for a moment from their partners made them feel that there was a part of themselves missing. They are not ready to step forward when it feels there are still "less". So, instead of succeeding move on, You just fell into a broken relationship.

There are also people who expect too high, for example the lover will improve himself after turn it over. In fact, this hope is less realistic, seeing the nature and character of a person cannot be changed as easily as turning the palm of the hand. All need a long process and unanimous intentions. Without all that, it's useless to go back to the old problem.

Sometimes, all the reasons above even mix together. Of course that means your relationship is no longer healthy. Especially if the reason for breaking up is actually very clear. For example, lovers betray you or indeed do not love each other anymore.

Sign Your Relationship With a Spouse Not Happy

How do you not get stuck in a broken connection?

Quoted from PshycologyToday, in fact there are things you can make a guide to living a healthy relationship. If you are not able to listen to your heart, try to follow and listen to your body.

The following physical symptoms can be a sign that you are already very stressed because you are trapped in a "toxic" relationship.

  1. Your sleep is disturbed
  2. You become easily hungry or even not appetite
  3. Digestion is disturbed
  4. Nausea and constipation (difficulty defecating) for no apparent reason
  5. Easy to get nervous, twitch, or nervous
  6. The body becomes sick, such as on the back, neck, shoulders, jaw and head

Of course the symptoms mentioned above can also be a sign of another medical condition. However, if you have seen a doctor or taken medication but the symptoms will not go away, it could be the cause of these symptoms is a disturbed psychological condition.

If you are still sure you can knit love back, try agreeing with each other about the meaning and purpose of the relationship going forward. This way, you and your partner will not quickly say break up.

Whereas if you both do not find the same goal, then the solution is to separate and move on with a better life (or partner). To help the process, there's nothing wrong with asking for help from a therapist or psychologist. Especially if you feel the symptoms of severe stress or depression.

What Are the Reasons for People to Survive in a Broken Relationship?
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