3 Risks You Might Face After Love One Night


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Sex is a necessity, also an important part of a romantic relationship between two people. But not everyone has the luxury of loving and being loved by others. So when many couples can freely plan the right time to make out, it's another story with singles out there. The rise of matchmaking applications, making many people can be free to adventure in search of dating love one night as a way of speeding fulfillment of lust.

One night love (one night stand) is a popular term for describing sex with strangers or people who are just known without a relationship. But at other times it's so tempting to swipe right, it's a good idea to think a thousand times before being blinded by lust. One-night love does not escape the risks and dangers of its own.

What are the risks and dangers of love one night?

1. Feeling carried away

The invitation to make love one night without realizing it can boost false self-confidence. Each party is honored and proud of being superior from many choices - the most attractive and desirable figure. Even though it is bitter to hear, both men and women alike choose not to care about the "ideal partner" standards that they hold firm only to obtain temporary sexual satisfaction.

After realizing that your one-night date is not the ideal partner you have been looking for, you end up feeling frantic. This is because you are overwhelmed by guilt, shame, or regret for wasting the opportunity to find the ideal partner.

On the other hand, women have more at stake. For women, the risk of becoming pregnant or losing virginity is a big responsibility that must be borne after one night's love; while men have almost no moral responsibility.

2. Sexually transmitted diseases

Love one night is closely related to unprotected sex. Besides that, basically you both don't know anything about the details of each other's health conditions. Because never mind health status, even full names, addresses, and jobs may never be the topic of conversation.

Thus, love one night with new people is known to have the potential to open the gates to the spread of a number of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, to HIV.

You also still have a high risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases even though you have used a condom, because the condom can be torn when carried by the atmosphere or because of the improper use.

3. Higher risk of pregnancy

Research in the 2015 issue of the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science reports that men will produce better quality sperm cells when they meet a new female figure they know.

Unwittingly, men tend to save the amount of sperm produced when having sex with women who have known each other for a long time. This sense of closeness and familiarity makes a man no longer feel the urge or instinct to implant his sperm in the woman's womb. Meanwhile, when meeting a woman he has never met, an unconscious instinct to reproduce appears. He also ejaculates faster, and the sperm produced is far more agile, numerous, and resilient.

This makes the risk of unwanted pregnancies multiply, moreover love one night is actually done without the protection of condoms or other contraceptive methods.

3 Risks You Might Face After Love One Night
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