4 Health Reasons Why You Should Frequently Fail With Your Partner


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Cuddling or also called kelonan, is a thing that is often done by couples with a position to hug each other, kiss, or gently caress each other. This kelonan position is usually done when one pair is sideways and the other partner hugs from behind.

But, is there really any benefit from doing this cuddling? Obviously there is, and is very useful for both partners. Well, consider some of the merit benefits you can get in the explanation below.

The kelonan benefits that you can get

Kelonan much preferred because indeed this position can make both partners feel relaxed and more intimate. The couples also feel closeness when their bodies touch each other and when continued with sexual relations, this will be very impressive.

The following are benefits that you can get from cuddling or kelonan:

1. You will feel better

One of the benefits of kelonan is that it can release the hormone oxytocin in the body. As is known, the hormone oxytocin is known as a hormone that can make you feel better. The hormone oxytocin can also increase your overall happiness.

With cuddling movements that include loving hugging, the body releases chemicals such as endorphins. This substance has the same effect when you exercise or eat chocolate, which is to get emotional pleasure for yourself.

2. Reducing the risk of stress and high blood pressure

Catherine A. Connors, a stress therapist, says that physical contact with other people, such as kelonan, can help reduce stress symptoms. Physical contact such as kissing, hugging, gently caressing the partner will increase the body's oxytocin levels. When the body's oxytocin levels rise, these body chemical reactions can help reduce blood pressure, the effect of which can prevent the risk of heart disease. And most importantly, the body becomes less stressful and anxious.

3. Intimacy with a partner increases

There are many known effects, if oxytocin is known as a hormone that will increase intimate feelings and attachment to someone. With kelonan, the sense of attachment that appears is the same as the effect of breastfeeding mother and baby.

A recent study states that oxytocin has a biological role in the bond between mother and baby. The Baylor College of Medicine study also says that kelonan can create a comfort zone between you and your partner. That way, you can find a balance between the comfort zone and the mutual bonding that emerges with your partner when mixing love.

4. As a way of communicating through touch

David Klow, a marriage therapist in Chicago, reminds of one of the great benefits of this kelonan. Smost clients from David Klow complain about communication problems in their marriage. Most people want to be understood and unfortunately only communication can convey it.

For people who are difficult to convey verbally it will be very difficult, so communication through gestures or touches when kelonan can be a powerful way to express to their partners. Kelonan also can be mediated desire that can not be expressed in words to the couple.

4 Health Reasons Why You Should Frequently Fail With Your Partner
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