7 Causes of Swollen Testes You Need to Beware


Medical Video: Varicocele Repair

Testicles or also called testicles are male reproductive organs. Testicles have a very vital function, because they play a role in the production of sperm cells needed to fertilize a woman's egg. For that reason, it's very natural for men to be very worried when they experience strange things in their testicles.

One of the most common is experiencing swollen testicles. So, can it harm or even affect male fertility? To answer that question, of course you should first know what causes swollen testicles.

Various causes of swollen testicles

If your testicles are larger and hardened, you should immediately see a doctor to consult. Especially if then the swollen testicles you experience are followed by symptoms such as pain, back pain or difficulty urinating.

Quick treatment is certainly better because there are several cases of swollen testicles that can have serious consequences and cause complications. Generally the cause of swollen testicles is mild things but sometimes the cause can also be dangerous. So, what causes swollen testicles?

1. Trauma or injury

Swollen testicles can occur due to injury or injury, for example having an accident so that the lower organs collide. Because many men tend to do more activities such as exercise, the possibility of injury to men is greater.

In addition, if you have previously performed a surgical operation in the genital area such as a vasectomy, it could be that swollen testicles are a side effect of this, and this will improve by itself.

2. Inflammation of the testes (orchitis)

Orchitis is inflammation of the testicular tissue which causes swelling of the testicles. Common causes of orchitis are bacterial infections or also sexually transmitted diseases (in sexually active men). But sometimes orchitis can also be caused by a viral infection, usually in children.

Symptoms of orchitis are swelling in one of the testes accompanied by pain, mild fever and nausea.

3. Epididymitis

Behind the two testicles there is a kind of tissue called the epididymis, its function is as a place to ripen sperm cells.

Epididymitis means that there is inflammation of this tissue that makes the testes look bigger. The main characteristic of epididymitis is that if touched, there will be a kind of small lump that feels painful when pressed.

The symptoms will be the same as orchitis, but besides that epididymitis can also cause blood in the sperm during ejaculation.

4. Varicocele

If you know about varicose veins, this varicocele is similar to that. It's just that varicocele occurs in the testicular blood vessels.

Varicocele occurs when the veins (veins) are enlarged, so that blood will collect and not flow to the heart. It will look like veins on the side of the testicular sac as well as varicose veins in the legs.

Varicocele is common in young men between 15-25 years and can cause symptoms or not. Those who experience symptoms usually feel pain in the groin and one of the testicles (usually the left) looks enlarged.

Varicocele can cause impaired fertility and decreased sperm production if not immediately treated. However, sometimes it can disappear on its own or it can also require surgery.

5. Inguinal hernias

Inguinal hernias occur when the lower abdominal wall is weakened so that the intestine drops into the testicular sac or the side of the penis, causing the testicles to appear larger.

This hernia lump appears when sitting or on the move. especially lifting heavy objects. But when your supine position will return to normal and re-enter the stomach.

The only treatment for a hernia is to have an operation to repair a torn abdominal wall.

6. Torsio testis

Torsio testis is when the testicles are twisted causing blood flow to the testicles to stop and this is an emergency condition.

Symptoms include sudden severe pain, weakness, swelling and enlarged twisted testicles. Handling and treatment as soon as possible is very necessary to save the testicles.

Handling often requires surgery. If immediately treated (within 6 hours) most likely the testicles can still be saved. But if it's handled late, there is no hope for your testicles.

7. Testicular cancer

In some serious cases, swollen testicles are a symptom of testicular cancer, although very rarely only 1% of cancer cases occur in men and usually do not spread. Testicular cancer is very common in men aged 15-44 years.

The main symptoms of testicular cancer include enlargement of the testis, lumps in the testicles, blunt pain and also heavy terrace testicles.

Testicular cancer is one type of cancer that can heal with treatment. Treatment includes surgery for testicular removal and chemotherapy. Faster diagnosis means that more than 95% can recover completely.

7 Causes of Swollen Testes You Need to Beware
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