After My Sex Even Adds Stress, Why?


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Sex is an activity that should bring happiness. But some people actually feel more stressed after having sex. Have you experienced it too? Curious what is the cause?

Stressful after having sex, signpost-sex blues

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In the medical world, feelings of stress and stress that arise shortly after intercourse are called post-sex blues orpostcoital dysphoria or postcoital tristesse.

Besides stress, post-sex blues also cause deep feelings of sadness, anxiety, tendency to depression, to cry because haunted by feelings of guilt or regret after having sex. Some people even fight with their partners afterwards.

Interestingly, all these negative emotions do not appear at all as long as you and your partner have sex. You and your partner still feel passionate, romantic, and satisfying sex.

Men and women alike can be stressed after making love

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Post-sex blues can attack anyone indiscriminately. However, various studies that have existed to date report that women are more susceptible to stress after having sex.

A study says about 46 percent of women experience symptoms post sex blues or postcoital dysphoria at least once in his life. Meanwhile, a more recent study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy in 2018 states that this condition is experienced by as many as 41 percent of men at least once in their lives.

What caused it?

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This condition is fairly common. Even so, health experts are not sure what is the exact cause. Quoted from Psychology Today, a number of studies suspect stress after intercourse can arise from a combination of various factors; such as genetic factors, biological body, and psychological conditions themselves from the person.

A sex therapist and counselor, Denies Knowles, argues that the emergence of stress can occur because various bodily hormones rise and fall erratically during sex that affect the brain's regulator of emotional reactions.

When having sex, the body will produce significant amounts of endorphins, prolactin and oxytocin. The increase in three hormones is what makes sex feel good and happy. Now after coming down from the climax, the levels of these hormones will recede drastically so that they turn around to produce negative emotions.

Daily stress and past trauma can trigger it

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As described above, the appearance of stress after intercourse can be affected by the ups and downs of the body's natural hormones.

Well if you are among those who are easily stressed or depressed, it is very likely that the emotional reaction you feel after making love is getting angry. Especially if your subconscious is still preoccupied with "terror" daily stress, such as household problems or office work.

Moreover, sex is a form of bonding and trust. For people who tend to be more sensitive, having sex can make their emotions more overwhelming. Feeling overwhelmed may arise because he feels fragile or afraid of losing after opening himself to other people, or even feeling guilty of having sex which has been considered taboo.

Experts also stated that trauma from sexual violence in the past could also be one of the trigger factors. In some people, trauma can last for a lifetime. They can suddenly remember events that have happened to them every time they have sex, even with loved ones.

However, there are still many other trigger factors that have not yet been revealed and need to be examined more deeply.

How to deal with it post sex blues?

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If you feel stressed after having sex, it's okay to ask for a time out for your partner if you want to.

No need to immediately explain why, because you yourself may not know why you feel overwhelmed. Adjust your breath slowly and empty your mind for a moment. Imagine things that can make you happy.

After a bit of calm, you can tell him that you feel upset and uncomfortable not because he made a mistake or did something you didn't like during sex. That way, your partner will also be calmer. There's nothing wrong with asking for kelonan or hugs from him to calm down.

There are many surveys that prove you are not the only person who can feel stressed after sex. But if this keeps repeating and gnawing at your soul, maybe even stretching the relationship with him, then you need to consult a sex therapist.

The therapist will help find out what specific triggers make you always feel stressed after having sex. In addition, the therapist will also help you to plan a solution and strengthen communication with your partner to deal with problems together.

The most important thing is cooperation and effort to continue to understand each other.

After My Sex Even Adds Stress, Why?
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