Don't Saturate, These 4 Tricks Make Household Intimacy


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Not only physically, intimacy in terms of emotions is needed in a marriage. Emotional intimacy is a feeling of being familiar, safe, and feeling loved by both parties. Unfortunately, many people don't understand how to build emotional intimacy. Even if this aspect is neglected, problems such as mutual mistrust, boredom, confusion in finding the topic of conversation, and frequent fights can fulfill your two days.

How to build intimacy in marriage

Intimacy is not automatically created after a couple married. Both parties must continue to work for a lifetime, even though they have been married for years. To build intimacy between you and your partner, there are several things that need to be done, namely:

1. Don't play cellphones when talking to a partner

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For most people, handphone (HP) is a very important tool for its value. However, when you are with your partner, try not to while playing your cellphone. In addition to respecting the existence of a partner, this method is also done so that you and your partner really can spend quality time together.

Because, HP and tablets or other electronic devices can interfere with your focus when you are with your partner. Therefore, always try so that you and your partner are truly consistent not to hold the cellphone while being together.

2. Take the time to be alone

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Even though it's hard to spend time alone because of busyness, you still have to work on it. Apart from being busy, usually child factors are the cause of you and your partner rarely have quality time together.

No matter how narrow the time, try to spend a minimum of 30 minutes every night to talk together from heart to heart with your partner. Not only that, spend at least once a week to go out with your partner whether it's eating out or just watching a movie.

3. Nostalgia together

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Nostalgia is a powerful way to build intimacy, you know. American marriage counselor, Dr. Tony Feretti stated that recalling good times during courtship or early marriage can strengthen the inner bond between you and your partner. Recall how you and your partner met to be able to like each other and finally decided to get married.

Then, try to write down the dreams that have not been achieved so far. For example, going on a honeymoon to a place or doing a joint activity. Then, try to plan about the right time to make it happen.

4. Learn to understand each other

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Marriage is the process of getting to know each other that lasts a lifetime. Therefore, never get tired of continuing to learn from each other to understand each other. You need to understand that humans will indeed continue to change.

Don't just because you are married then you consider that your partner will continue forever. There are times when couples will experience various changes in attitudes, views, and temperaments over time.

Make sure that you avoid doing things that hurt your partner. Instead, you need to continue to show affection, security, and respect for your partner. With you always trying to understand your partner and treat him well, slowly intimacy in relationships will continue to grow and develop.

Don't Saturate, These 4 Tricks Make Household Intimacy
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