Is Fetal Weight In Your Content Appropriate? Check here


Medical Video: 30 Weeks Pregnant - 30 Weeks Pregnant Baby Position and fetal development

Along with pregnancy, the mother's stomach will grow bigger. This indicates that the fetus continues to grow in the womb. Is the fetal weight in your womb ideal for the age of the fetus? Find out in this article.

Ideal fetal weight according to gestational age

The length and weight of one fetus and the other may be different. Because the rate of growth of each baby can be different because it is influenced by many factors - from food intake to the health of his own mother.

So, don't worry too much if your ultrasound scan shows that your baby is small or bigger. In general, fetal weight may be around 2-4 kilograms at the end of pregnancy.

Summarized from the Mayo Clinic and Baby Center, the following is an estimate of the ideal length and weight of the fetus according to its development in the womb.

Fetal development in the first trimester

The first two weeks after conception, you may not feel a significant change. Because, the body of the fetus is still not formed at all until the fifth week after conception (when your period stops).

Even at this time, your prospective baby is still an embryo the size of a sesame seed. One sesame seed weighs around 0.00364 grams. However, the embryo currently has a forerunner to the skin, nerves, vital organs (liver, heart, lungs, and intestines), eyes and ears, to the circulatory system, although it is not yet perfect.

Around the seventh to eighth week, ideally the current fetal weight is around 1 gram with a body length of 1.6 centimeters. This weight gain occurs because the fetus has begun to develop limbs, head, and facial parts. The 9th week of the baby's weight increases by about 2 grams with a fetal length of about 2.3 cm, because it is accompanied by the development of other limbs.

In the tenth week, the baby's head is round and the limbs are moving. The baby's head will be more rounded and the fingers will be more perfect in the 10th week. Followed by the development of the outer ear and umbilical cord will appear more clearly. At present the length of the fetus is 3.1 cm and weighs 4 grams.

At week 11, the baby's face is perfectly formed, but new parts of the tooth will grow. The genitals will also form into the penis or clitoris and labia mojora. The fetus's body weight has now doubled, which is around 7 to 8 grams with a length of 4.1 centimeters. At 12 weeks, the nails will grow and the length of the fetus will be 5.4 cm and weighs 14 grams.

Fetal development in the second trimester

Week 13 to week 27

Entering the second trimester, the fetus becomes more visible. At week 13, the fetus has begun to urinate into the amniotic sac, making amniotic fluid. The baby's bones and skeleton have begun to harden, especially in the head and long bones. Then the skin of the fetus that is still thin and transparent will soon thicken.

At present the length of the baby is about 7.4 cm and weighs 23 grams. Week 14, the neck and lower limbs will appear more clearly. Red blood cells form the spleen in the fetus and reproductive organs will be seen this week or several weeks to come. The baby's current size is 8.7 cm and weighs 43 grams. On week 15, the hair pattern of the scalp will be formed and the length of the fetus is around 10.1 cm and weighs 70 grams.

Week 16, the baby's head is upright and the formation of the ears is almost complete. Movement of fetal limbs can be detected by ultrasound. However, there is still too little to be felt. The length of the fetus is around 11.6 cm and weighs 100 grams. Then at week 17, the toenails have appeared and the fetus becomes more active, and it can be pumped around 100 liters of blood per day. The length of the fetus is about 13 cm and weighs around 140 grams.

fetal weight 1

At week 18, the shape of the ear starts to protrude from the side of the head, the eyes are facing forward, and the digestion of the baby has started working. The length of the fetus is around 14.2 cm and weighs 190 to 200 grams.

Then at the 19th week, the baby's growth begins to slow down but is formed vernix caseosa skin (a layer of oil that protects the baby's skin from abrasions). The length of the fetus is around 15.3 cm and weighs 240 grams.

At week 20, you may feel the baby's movements and reproductive organs are certain. At this age, you can do an ultrasound to see the sex of your baby. The length of the fetus is around 16.4 cm and weighs around 300 grams.

At week 21, the scalp is covered with fine hair (lanugo) the possibility of the baby also developing sucking ability. The length of the fetus is around 25.6 cm and weighs 360 grams.

At week 22, eyebrow hair has begun to grow and the testes in the male fetus have begun to fall. The baby's current size is around 27.8 cm and weighs around 430 grams.

At week 23, the fetus has the ability to move the eyes and hiccups, sometimes the mother feels a jolt. The current length of the fetus is around 28.9 cm and weighs 501 grams.

Then at week 24, fingerprints on the palms and soles of the feet have also been created. In addition, the skin of the fetus begins to wrinkle and pink due to the presence of capillaries. The length of the fetus is currently around 300cm and weighs 600 grams.

The baby's ability to respond to sound becomes a movement that occurs at week 25 with a length of 34.6 cm and weighs 660 grams. Furthermore, the development of the lungs increases (the movement expands and deflates), the nerves of the fetus can work properly, and the skin of the fetus becomes smoother because it gets fat. This occurs at week 26 and week 27 with the size of the fetus about 36.6 cm long and weighs up to 875 grams.

Fetal development in the third trimester

28th week to 42nd week

After lung development increases, at week 28, the central nervous system can direct rhythmic breathing movements and control the body. This is also accompanied by eyelash growth and part of the fetal eyelids that can be opened. Estimated length and weight are around 37.6 cm and 1005 grams or reach 1 kilo gram.

At the 29th week and 30th week, fetal movements develop more like kicking, stretching, and making grasping movements. In addition, the hair on the head has grown well and red blood cells have formed in the fetal bone marrow. Estimated length and weight are 39.9 cm and 1.3 kilo grams.

In the 31st week until the 33rd week, the fetus has mostly completed its body development and its weight continues to grow rapidly. Furthermore, the bones in the fetus will harden, but the skull bones are still soft and supple. The fetus also develops the pupil's ability to respond to light. Estimated length and weight have reached 2 kilograms.

Furthermore, the development of the fetus's nails and skin is perfect. This causes the body of the fetus to become fat; there are folds. This condition can make the mother's uterus full and may make it difficult for the fetus to move, such as a hitting motion. This occurs in the 34th week until the 36th week with a length and weighs around 47.4 cm and 2.6 kilo grams.

To prepare for the birth, the head of the fetus will begin to descend into the pelvic area and the size of the head circumference is almost the same as the size of the fetus' stomach. Most babies will release all lanugo (fine hair) on their body and fat will continue to grow throughout the fetus's body so that their body remains warm after birth. This development occurs at week 37 to week 39 with a length and weighs around 3.2 kilograms.

The 40th week or some mothers give birth at 42nd week, the fetus is in perfect shape and in various sizes, the fetus is ready to be born. The length ranges from 51.2 cm to 51.7 cm and weighs from 3.4 kilo grams to 3.6 kilograms.

Is Fetal Weight In Your Content Appropriate? Check here
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