List of Effective Foods Generates Male Sex Passion


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In addition to a healthy body and diligent exercise, food in fact also plays an important role in increasing male sex drive. Lynn Edlen-Nezin, PhD, author and a health psychologist, explains that nutrients from certain food sources can increase libido, male sex hormones. What are the food sources that can increase male sexual arousal?

Food sources that can arouse male sexual arousal

1. Pomegranate

A study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found that pomegranate juice (pomegranade) had a positive effect on men with low sex drive. In addition, Pomegranade contains a lot of antioxidants so that it can support the smooth flow of blood to produce a stronger and longer lasting erection.

2. Avocados

Did you know that avocados can increase male sex drive? Yes, avocados contain monounsaturated fats, vitamin B which can increase arousal. Vitamin E in avocados is also often touted as a "sex vitamin" because of its antioxidant properties which can revive male sexual arousal.

3. Watermelon

A study from Texas A & M, showing that the content of lycopene, citrulline and beta-carotene found in watermelons can relax blood vessels while smoothing blood flow to the penis to increase arousal and produce a stronger and longer-lasting erection.

4. Almonds

Almonds contain zinc, selenium and vitamin E. These nutrients are vitamins and minerals that are important for male sexual and reproductive health.

Then, the content of selenium and vitamin E is believed to increase the problem of infertility and male heart health. Good heart health is directly related to the smooth flow of blood, as well as the release of sex hormones and libido in greater numbers.

5. Fish

According to a 1997 article, made by doctor Walter Eddy, a lack of zinc in the body can disrupt the sex glands and cause a small number of male sperm. Zinc is also beneficial for healthy sexual development for humans. One way to get your daily zinc is by eating fish.

Moreover, the content of arginine and omega 3 in fish can beneficial to balance the body's hormones. A good body hormone will increase blood circulation to the genitals, so that libido can be more easily raised.

6. Oyster shells

Seafood does contain vitamins and good nutrients to increase male sex drive. Apart from fish, there are oysters that contain zinc in large quantities. Zinc is known to help men produce more sperm and maintain testosterone levels. If male testosterone and sperm levels are at an optimal level, then it has become one of the efforts that can improve the performance and sexual arousal of men in bed.

List of Effective Foods Generates Male Sex Passion
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