Psst, It turns out that sex can prevent you, sir! This is the explanation


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In fact, not only satisfying passion, sex also has a myriad of benefits for physical and mental health. One of the sex benefits for health is that it can prevent incontinence or beser. Yes, beser makes it difficult for you to hold urine so you can repeatedly go back and forth to the bathroom. Then, how can sex make the symptoms of incontinence disappear?

Why can sex prevent it?

Strong pelvic floor muscles are very important to avoid urinary incontinence or leakage during physical activities such as sex, jumping, sneezing, and laughing.

The weaker the pelvic floor muscles, the more likely you are to experience symptoms of incontinence. This is because the weak pelvic muscles will reduce the ability of the bladder to hold the urine it holds.

Especially if you are a woman from middle to upper age who has undergone several pregnancies and also delivery. Pelvic muscles and tissues may have been damaged.

Age and history of pregnancy and birth are the main factors in weakening the pelvic floor muscles. That's why you are very likely to experience urine leakage while on the move.

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Experts state that one way to restore stage-based muscle strength to prevent urinary incontinence is to have sex regularly. During sex, almost all of the body's muscles contract, including the pelvic floor muscles and bladder muscles. So, sex becomes a kind of exercise for the muscles around the pelvis to strengthen itself.

When orgasm, the vaginal organs, uterus, anus, and pelvic floor muscles tighten and contract for almost 20 seconds. This is a very good exercise to strengthen the weak pelvic floor muscles.

For this reason sex is very beneficial for the health of your bladder. That said, the more often you have sex with your partner, the better your body's ability to control your bladder.

So that the sex benefits for your bladder health can be seen. Doing it regularly with your partner makes this one sex benefit can take place in the long term.

Not only sex, this is a tip so that the pelvic muscles become strong

Apart from sex, there are several ways to maintain bladder control strength by maintaining the strength of the pelvic floor muscles in the following ways:

1. Do Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises have become effective exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) states that doing it regularly 10 times in the morning and 10 times at night can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

By training these muscles, the body can control the urinary tract so that it does not leak easily. According to AAFP, bladder control will improve after 6 to 12 weeks of regular Kegel exercises every day.

2. Maintain ideal weight

According to research published in the Journal of Urology, the more weight you eat, the greater the pressure placed on the bladder.

Constant overpressure due to excessive body weight can make the bladder lose its strength until it is difficult for you to hold urine while doing certain physical activities. Therefore, find out and maintain your ideal weight for better bladder health.

3. Limit consumption of caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol are diuretic drinks that make you urinate more and often. Unfortunately, frequent urination can make the muscles more easily irritated which can cause incontinence.

The nerve receptors in the bladder will tell the brain when it begins to full, but if the bladder has a problem the brain will receive a message that the bladder is full even though it isn't. This will make the surrounding muscles contract and cause leakage.

Psst, It turns out that sex can prevent you, sir! This is the explanation
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