Psst, This Secret Trick Can Make Love Satisfaction Stay Durable


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Based on some previous studies, partner sex satisfaction can decrease over time. It can also be caused by the lack of variety of sex they do, as well as several other reasons that influence including the decrease in hormones.

However, there are several other ways you can maintain long-term sexual satisfaction that you can try. how do? See the discussion below.

The secret to getting sexual satisfaction for a long-married couple

Quoted from Independent, research in the United States (US), published in The Journal of Sex of Research, found the benefits of sexual satisfaction derived from the existence of romantic behaviors inserted between sexual relations.

The researchers say, couples who during intercourse say "I love you" or "I love you" while hugging, kissing, or laughing together, can feel a deeper satisfaction. Meanwhile, trying various styles, fantasies and variations of certain sexes can also make both partners become satisfied.

Sex does not have to be merely penetration

However, there is one secret that makes 38,747 couples with a relationship age of about 3 years feel deep and long-term sexual satisfaction. These couples more often feel satisfied by doing oral sex, or other activities precisely without involving penetration (the penis enters the vagina). They also feel that without vaginal penetration, orgasm can be obtained satisfactorily.

Many women report that they need clitoral stimulation to get an orgasm. Debby Herbenick, director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University examined data from 1,055 women aged 18 to 94 years who answered the survey on line about their sex life. The result is that they consider touch on their clitoris, using their tongue, fingers, or sex toys though, contributing greatly to the orgasm they get.

The problem is, at the time of penetration, the female clitoris rarely gets stimulating enough to reach orgasm.

sexual appetite

Get sexual satisfaction with activities other than penetration

The above study in fact found that only about 18 percent of women reported being able to feel the climax when having intercourse from penetration only. Then, about 36 percent said they needed clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm during intercourse.

However, according to therapist and author of the book "Becoming Cliterate", Laurie Mintz, there are still many women who pretend to orgasm during intercourse. Why do they pretend to orgasm? The main reason is, they want to look normal and want to make their male partner believe that they are able to satisfy women in bed. In fact, only a few women have managed to reach orgasm in having sex.

Therefore, couples who often try real orgasms, for example through oral sex, certainly report sexual satisfaction that is more durable and exciting.

Don't forget also communication with your partner

Even so, there are still barriers that satisfy sexual satisfaction must also be balanced with good communication between the two. With intimate and clear communication, you or your partner can direct each other, to which parts of the body you want to satisfy, which ones you want to touch, movements or positions you like or what you don't like.

Psst, This Secret Trick Can Make Love Satisfaction Stay Durable
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