Staying Active Making Love in Twilight Age Can Protect Your Brain Function, you know!



Most elderly people tend not to think about sex and focus more on their health problems. In fact, a new study states that staying active in sex in old age can protect the functioning of your brain. How did it happen? See the explanation in this article.

The ability of the brain can continue to increase even though it has entered old age

A recent study conducted by researchers from Coventry University in the United Kingdom said that elderly men and women who are sexually active have higher cognitive cognitive functions than those who are not sexually active.

The cognitive function itself is the ability or process of the brain in processing information. This includes logical thinking, solving problems, assessing risk, remembering, concentrating, using language, and understanding direction.

For the purposes of this study, the definition of sexually active includes, fondling, masturbation, swiping genitals (petting), and sexual penetration.

This study was based on a study published earlier, in which the study showed that people who are sexually active generally get higher scores on cognitive tests.

Another study released by Oregon State University also found that employees who frequently and routinely had sexual relations at home had higher morale and greater job satisfaction.

People who are actively having sex get high marks on verbal and visual tests

The study, published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences, involved 73 participants aged 50 to 83 years as the study sample. Participants consisted of 28 men and 45 women.

In this study, participants were asked to answer the questions in the questionnaire related to health conditions, lifestyle, and the frequency of sexual intercourse with a partner during the last 12 months.

Not only that, participants also took a series of tests to measure patterns of brain function. Through these tests, researchers assess the focus on attention, memory, fluency of speech (verbal), language, and the visuospatial abilities of the participants. VIsuospatial itself is the ability to place an object, object, or image in a place or room.

The results showed that men and women who frequently and regularly had sex with their partners got the best scores in fluency speaking and visuospatial skills tests.

In fluency speaking tests, participants are given one clue in a particular category and must present as many relevant words as possible in a limited time. For example, participants must mention various animals beginning with the letter F within 60 seconds.

While on the test of visuospatial ability, participants are instructed to recreate the complex design of the drawing and draw a clock shape.

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The results of this study reinforce previous research

The conclusion of this study also reinforces previous research as mentioned above, namely parents who actively have sex or engage in sexual activity have higher active scores on cognitive tests than those who are not active.

The researchers agreed that this happened because of the presence of biological elements that affect sexual activity with brain function, namely the hormone dopamine and oxytocin.

Dopamine is a pleasure hormone that is released when someone tries to look for activities that make someone feel better, while oxytocin is a hormone of love released in relation to love and childbirth.

So, not necessarily if you are old, your brain's ability will definitely decrease. This can be prevented by staying active sex regularly to protect the brain.

However, further research is needed on a larger scale to strengthen the evidence of this study.

Staying Active Making Love in Twilight Age Can Protect Your Brain Function, you know!
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