Towards Marriage, 6 It Can Make Heavy Stress! How to overcome it?


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Do you often feel anxious when your wedding day draws near? Or become frequent stomach aches, nightmares, and difficulty concentrating lately? If you answer all the questions "yes", then this means you are experiencing stress before marriage or premarital syndrome.

Stress before marriage is not a strange and natural thing experienced by the bride and groom. However, that does not mean you then let it drag on, because this can trigger depression and contention with a partner.

So, what are the causes of stress before marriage and how to deal with it? Find the answer in the following review.

Various causes of stress before marriage

1. Many parents are involved in wedding preparation

longevity parents

The complexity of wedding preparations is definitely the main cause of stress before marriage. Starting from preparing vendors, catering, photographers, souvenirs, to wedding dresses, all of them have their own preparation and often trigger stress.

Although this is your marriage and your partner, not infrequently the family wants to take part in preparing your marriage. Sometimes, the family is involved too much and tends to dominate.

You and your partner may feel reluctant to refuse and feel depressed at the request of the family. As a result, stress arises and small conflicts between you and your family.

2. The cost of marriage is too large

Source: Huffington Post

Not infrequently the couples are willing to spend a lot of money in order to perform optimally on his wedding day, but not think long to prepare for his life after marriage. As a result, the cost of marriage is too large and exceeds the budget prepared.

Creating a dream wedding is fine to do. However, if you end up forcing yourself and you have to borrow money everywhere, you are even more affected by severe and prolonged stress. The reason is, even after the marriage is over you are still haunted by bills or installments that have not paid off.

3. Expect too high

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This usually happens to prospective brides who want their marriage to run smoothly and perfectly. Yes, brides usually want to be the center of attention by looking beautiful in the middle of a luxurious reception. Again, this is done in order to realize the dream marriage that has been dreamed of.

However, hoping too high and unrealistically prone to stress before marriage. The reason is, the more you put your hopes on the wedding day, the more likely you are to be disappointed if it turns out that it doesn't go as expected.

4. Suddenly hesitant with the partner

fight with boyfriend

The biggest temptation for couples who want to get married is doubts about each other. Yes, these feelings often emerge before the 'big day', either because they feel the attitude of a partner changes or the presence of a former girlfriend suddenly.

If you feel doubtful because your partner's attitude has changed, this might be because you both lack communication. You and your partner are too busy preparing for the wedding, so you lose your romantic time together. As a result, quarrels often become routine before the wedding day.

Stress before marriage is usually also influenced by a number of questions that come to your mind. For example, "Is he really the right person for me?", "Will my household be happy with him?", And a number of other doubts that filled his head.

Try to sit for a moment and breathe slowly. Believe that these thoughts are only the effects of fatigue that you feel which then affects your emotions for a moment.

5. Anxious about the wedding day

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Marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime moment. So, of course you don't want one to miss and make sure everything works perfectly.

But be careful, this desire can trigger excessive anxiety and have an impact on your mood before marriage. The more often you worry about the wedding day, the more stressful you make it.

6. Anxious about the first night

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Concern in facing the first night is also one of the causes of stress before marriage, especially if the two brides are equally not having enough knowledge about sex. The worries are usually about fear of not being able to please your partner in bed, even though this is something that is usually experienced by newlyweds.

Tips to relieve stress before marriage

Dr. Jocelyn Charnas, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist from the United States revealed to the Huffington Post that marriage is a big decision that will change everyone's life. In addition to filling each other's lives, marriage also gives a big change to the families of both parties who are vulnerable to conflict and stress.

Stress before marriage can actually be overcome, even though it cannot be completely avoided. The main key to relieving stress before marriage is to strengthen communication.

When broken down one by one, various causes of stress before marriage begin with a lack of communication. So, talk about what you and your partner want at your marriage. Also involve the family and do not need to hesitate to express their opinions. No matter how small the problems in marriage will be overcome properly and reduce the level of stress that is felt.

In addition, ask for help wedding organizer or wedding preparation organizer services to help you. You and your partner only need to discuss what kind of marriage you want along with the budget, then let them work by staying under your supervision. This is very useful to reduce unnecessary costs so as to prevent stress due to excessive spending.

If necessary, visit a marriage counselor to help deal with stress ahead of marriage. Thus, you and your partner become more calm in preparing everything until the D-Day arrives.

Towards Marriage, 6 It Can Make Heavy Stress! How to overcome it?
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