Women's Sex Passion Will Peak in the Most Fertile Period. When is that?


Medical Video: Ovulation Calculator - Most fertile time to get pregnant - Women's guide

Women's sexual appetite is regulated by one of the menstrual cycles. So, passion will also rise and fall following your monthly cycle. The peak of female sexual arousal usually occurs at the time of ovulation, which is also known as the fertile period. Why is that, huh? Here is a complete explanation about women's sexual appetite and her menstrual cycle.

When is ovulation?

Ovulation is one of the stages in the menstrual cycle where the woman is fertile. During ovulation, the ovary in the uterus releases the egg. The egg will then descend into the fallopian tube to meet sperm cells and form a fetus. Your pregnancy opportunity if having sex without contraception will be very high during this fertile period.

The menstrual cycle usually lasts 28 to 32 days. The first day is calculated from the first day of menstrual bleeding. The last day of your cycle is calculated from one day before menstrual bleeding comes out.Because each woman's menstrual cycle can vary, there is no definite count that can determine when ovulation begins and ends. In every woman the cycle can still change every month.

Ovulation means the egg is released and waits to be fertilized. So within a few days after menstrual bleeding is complete you can enter ovulation. This happens on days 10 to 19 of your menstrual cycle. However, remember that this cycle may still change continuously so that it is difficult to ascertain the date.

To find out when your fertility period and ovulation date are, please calculate withFertility Calculator the following, just click the image below:

Women's sexual appetite will peak at ovulation

A study in the journal Human Reproduction reveals that the frequency of partner sex will increase to 24 percent when women enter ovulation.

Another study initiated by a team of experts from the University of Virginia in the United States (US) also proved that women are much more easily aroused and reach orgasm in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is at the time of ovulation.

Likewise with the study conducted by researchers from Arizona State Universtity. This study reveals that the frequency of women masturbating increases when entering the fertile period.

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Why are women more excited during the fertile period?

There are several possibilities why women's sexual appetite peaked in the fertile period. The most powerful reason is that the human body is biologically designed to reproduce. So when entering the fertile period, the brain captures signals from the reproductive system of women to have sex so the chances of pregnancy are greater. This brain reaction is automatic, whether you and your partner want descent or not.

An epidemiologist from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in the US, Dr. Allen Wilcox also explained another reason. According to Dr. Allen Wilcox, the production of natural chemicals called pheromones in a woman's body increases during ovulation. This pheromone substance will be captured by the senses of smell and the partner's brain so that women become more seductive and exciting.

In addition, a woman's sense of smell also increases sharply when entering ovulation. So women become more sensitive to the pheromones produced by their partners. This body change is the reason why a woman's sexual appetite becomes more burning in the fertile period.

Women's Sex Passion Will Peak in the Most Fertile Period. When is that?
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