7 Causes of Bloody Gum That You Might Not Realize


Medical Video: How to Treat Bleeding Gums at Home (2018)

Gums are one of the supporting tissues of the teeth, which consists of mucous tissue that covers the maxillary bone and the mandible in the oral cavity. Healthy gums are marked with pink, have a smooth surface, solid texture, and are resistant to movement.

Unfortunately, gum health is often underestimated. Though unhealthy gums can cause gingivitis or inflammation of the gums that cause pain and discomfort. When inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) occurs, around the gums are formed sacs which separate the gums from the teeth. As the inflammation continues, the sac will deepen and bleed easily, for example when brushing your teeth or when chewing normally.

However, even bleeding gums can occur due to brushing your teeth too hard or wearing false teeth that don't fit.

What are the causes of bleeding gums?

Bleeding gums can be caused by several things, namely:

1. Rarely brush teeth

We are all recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day to prevent plaque on the teeth. Because they are lazy to brush their teeth, the risk of plaque formation in the teeth becomes bigger.

Dental plaque is a thin, soft, and contains bacteria that attaches to the surface of the tooth due to food residue attached to the teeth. The rest of the dental plaque that attaches for a long time will become tartar. Plaque buildup in the teeth also increases the risk of inflammation of the gums, which is characterized by bleeding gums.

2. Brushing your teeth too hard

Brushing your teeth too hard can cause trauma to the gums, which is characterized by bleeding gums. Therefore, it is recommended that you brush your teeth slowly, use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and change your toothbrush at least three or four months. Replacing a soft bristle toothbrush with coarser fur can also cause bleeding gums.

3. The technique of brushing teeth that is not right

When you brush your teeth, make sure you use gentle circular movements to massage and clean your teeth and gums. Brushing your teeth using forward and backward movements can irritate and damage your gums, which are marked by bleeding gums.

4. Position of teeth that are not regular

Irregular teeth can increase the risk of food debris tucked into the teeth. This makes food scraps stick to the teeth, causing plaque, and causes the gums to bleed.

5. Smoking habits

Smoking habits have been proven to damage the health of the body, including dental and oral health. Smoking habits can make gum tissue difficult to repair, so that when there is trauma to the gums, the gums will be more susceptible to bleeding and swelling.

6. Lack of vitamins C and K

Vitamin C, such as oranges, melons, and guava, acts to strengthen the gums, making them more resistant to bacteria and accelerating the wound healing process. Vitamin C deficiency can certainly cause bleeding gums. In addition, the lack of vitamin K commonly obtained from soybeans and green vegetables can also cause bleeding gums. Vitamin K plays a role for blood clotting.

7. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and monthly menstruation can make the gums more sensitive. As a result, the gums are more prone to bleeding and increase the risk of gum inflammation (gingivitis).

If after changing even bad habits you still often experience bleeding gums, you are advised to consult with a dentist to get the right treatment and care.

7 Causes of Bloody Gum That You Might Not Realize
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