Causes and signs of caries in children


Medical Video: Teaching Kids About the Causes & Effects of Cavities : Dental Health

Cavities (caries) are the most common dental problems in children. Especially if the child is lazy to brush his teeth and likes to eat sweet foods. Of all types of caries, which are commonly found in children is rampant caries.

Is that rampant caries?

Teeth can be hollow due to bacteria that live in the mouth. The bacteria eats away the plaque of food scraps that stick to the teeth to produce acid. It is the acid that eats away the enamel of the tooth (the outermost part of the tooth), resulting in small holes in the teeth that eventually enlarge

The caries is a problem with tooth decay that occurs very quickly and spreads so that it directly hits the pulp (the middle part of the tooth).

This type of caries generally occurs in a child's milk teeth, can be one or several teeth at a time; including teeth that should be immune to caries, such as lower front teeth.

Children who experience rampant caries often find it difficult to eat because the teeth hurt when used to chew. As a result, they often eat food and often cry because of toothache.

How old are children most vulnerable to rampant caries?

Furious caries often occur in children under five years old. Most commonly found in children aged four years.

In addition, dental caries is also prone to occur in children who often fall asleep still suckling (either bottles or breast milk) and children whooften eat sweet foods.

Can rampant caries be prevented?

The caries can be prevented by the following things.

  • Immediately clean the child's gums with a clean cloth after feeding the child. If your child's teeth have grown, teach your child to brush their teeth diligentlyflossing,
  • Do not let the child fall asleep while drinking milk, juice, or other sweet drinks through a bottle.
  • The child's dental check-up routine to the dentist since the age of one year.

Treatment for rampant caries

The first treatment is to relieve pain with drugs locally with zinc oxide eugenol, and orally with sedative and analgesic drugs.

After the pain begins to disappear, the teeth are cleaned to remove all decaying tissue. This is done to stop the development of bacteria in the teeth, so that caries will stop.

In addition, you also need to keep your child's diet healthy. Reduce giving sweet foods to children.

Causes and signs of caries in children
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