6 Important Sex Tips for Women with Diabetes


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Normal or not, your blood sugar has a major impact on your health, especially your sex life. Medical conditions such as diabetes can cause your sex life to decline. As a person with diabetes, you have several obstacles to achieving satisfaction in the sex life that no one else has. But don't worry, you can overcome sex problems with the following tips.

Sex tips for diabetics

1. Use sex toys

Diabetics often experience decreased blood flow to the vagina due to changes in blood vessels, which causes a lack of arousal and stimulation. Research shows, diabetics are not easy to orgasm like because of vascular changes and nerve damage.

Therefore, there can be tried several new ways. The fastest way to get stimulation is with a vibrator. Vibrators can stimulate the clitoris more noticeably, compared to stimulation of the hand or penis.

2. Eat foods that can increase sex drive

eat seafood

Sex tips for diabetics next is to eat foods that can make sex drive up again. There are several sciences that support the popular idea that eating certain foods can have a positive effect on your sex drive.

The mineral zinc can work to increase libido by helping testosterone production. You can eat oysters that contain more zinc than other foods. Other zinc mineral sources can also be obtained through red meat, crabs and cashews.

3. Control your sugar level

how to check blood sugar at home

Maintaining blood sugar in the normal range is one way to overcome sex problems for diabetics. Because, controlling the body's blood sugar levels can help protect blood vessels, prevent nerve damage, and make the vagina easier to fight infection.

4. Actively moving

Research shows baHwa sports play a role in overcoming sex problems for diabetics. Exercise can strengthen your heart, increase flexibility and stamina, and increase blood flow to very important parts such as the vagina. That way, your sex drive can emerge and your sex life can slowly return to normal.

5. Use lubricants without glycerin content

lubricant for sex

Dry vagina is one of the common sex problems for diabetics. Women with diabetes can use lubricants during sex. But if you use sexual lubricants, be careful when choosing them. Some lubricants usually contain a type of sugar, such as glycerin and propylene glycol, which will disrupt your vaginal pH and possibly trigger fungal infections.

6. Get enough sleep

not getting enough sleep

For diabetics, having enough sleep is very important. Sleep plays a role in controlling blood sugar. One study found that sleep time is often less than 6 hours a night making blood sugar levels triple. Therefore, try to improve sleep patterns to keep blood sugar levels increasing and make sex feel good again

6 Important Sex Tips for Women with Diabetes
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