10 Lifestyle Changes That Help Overcome Acne


Medical Video: Put an End to Adult Acne

Acne is a normal skin condition that affects many people. Acne is an inflammation of the skin where the oil glands are infected with bacteria, swell, and clogged with pus. Acne generally occurs on the face, neck, back and shoulders. Although not a critical condition, acne can make someone depressed because of their appearance. No wonder there are so many medicines and face care creams that give you the lure to get rid of zits quickly.

Actually, there is no need to bother groping deep enough to treat zits. There are many natural methods that can help you deal with stubborn acne.

1. Sleep enough

Stress is an important factor causing acne. Not only can you make you sleep deprived and reduce your stamina, stress also causes an increase in the production of glucocorticoid hormones that trigger a number of skin problems, including acne.

Staying up late causes an increase in inflammatory cytokines. Increased foreign substances in the body will increase the tendency to produce inflammation. Acne is one form of inflammation that is triggered by an increase in the number of cytokines in the body. In addition, lack of sleep causes insulin resistance to increase. The body will be forced to produce more insulin which causes inflammation and the production of sebum (oil) increases, so that the potential for acne formation.

Sleep helps the detoxification process in the body and face. To help you get enough sleep at night, situate your bedroom as comfortably as possible. Get rid of any interference (cellphone, tv, laptop), turn off the room lights, and adjust the temperature of the air conditioner (18-22ºC). Cool temperatures will help you fall asleep faster and longer.

2. Improve your diet

Avoid foods and snacks that can increase blood sugar levels and trigger excess insulin production in the body.

Too much insulin in the body will cause changes in the body's metabolism which slows down the healing of existing acne. Insulin will also trigger the production of excess sebum (oil) as a cause of acne.

Stubborn acne will gradually disappear as you change your diet with a healthier diet. Exchange white rice, pasta, fresh bread, and sugar with whole grain products, nuts and seeds, and fresh vegetables and fruits.

3. Wash your face before exercising, then afterwards

It may be difficult to see the relationship between removing acne and exercise. It's simple, regular exercise will reduce stress and improve mood as a cause of stubborn acne. Solid physical activity can increase blood flow throughout the body and facilitate the spread of oxygen which evenly reaches the skin cells of the face. In addition, exercise will trigger the production of sweat coming out of the pore gland to rinse dirt and dust that clog the pores.

But many people who know that washing your face before exercise is just as important as washing your face after exercise. Why? When you sweat while exercising, the pores will open and make it easier for bacteria, makeup, dust, and other impurities to be trapped in the skin and cause acne in the future. So before you sweat, make sure your pores are clean.

4. Drink plenty of water

Water can help the detoxification process and keep the skin moist from the inside. Although there is not enough research to prove that toxins in the body contribute to inflamed zits, the researchers conclude that consuming enough water at least two glasses a day will help facilitate blood circulation which may be the cause of stubborn acne.

5. Use sunscreen

The sun's ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation, redness, and the appearance of black spots on the face. Linger outdoors without the protection of sunscreen also increases the risk of skin cancer. Always use sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher in a minimum of 20 minutes each time before you leave the house.

If your facial skin is prone to acne, use sunscreens that contain mild chemical compounds, such as avobenzone, oxybenzone, methoxycinnamate, octocylene, and zinc oxide. Choose a sunscreen labeled "noncomedogenic" to reduce the possibility of new acne.

6. Take omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to control the production of leukotriene B4, a chemical compound in the body that can increase sebum production and cause inflamed zits.

Omega-3s are commonly found in vitamin supplements, or foods such as walnuts, avocados, flaxseed oil, and salmon.

7. Diligently wash your face

Your face is a favorite location for bacteria to breed, especially after a full day of outdoor activities. Sebum produced by the face will mix with all kinds of residual dirt, street dust, and makeup, and has the potential to clog pores. This is the perfect combination of causes of acne and blackheads.

It is important to routinely wash your face twice a day in the morning and evening, especially if you live and are active in high pollution areas. If you are just active in the room, don't wear makeup, and don't sweat too much, just rinse your face with warm water at night.

Does this mean you can skip washing in the morning? Certainly not. When you sleep, your facial skin performs a ritual of self-cleansing, encouraging waste and waste left over through sweat glands and pores. There is still trash residue left on your skin in the morning. So yes, you should wash your face twice a day.

8. Exfoliasi

Excess oil production is one of the risk factors for acne. But that does not mean that people who have dry skin are immune from acne attacks. Dry skin causes cracks and a fine line gap arises where bacteria can perch and multiply. Flaking skin can also clog pores.

The solution, exfoliation needs to be done regularly about 1 to 3 times a week to restore the skin's moisture and elasticity. For best results, massage the scrub or exfoliant product in a circular pattern gently starting from the neck and slowly moving up. After that, apply a special moisturizer noncomedogenic.

9. Clean the handphone

Mobile is the best place for bacteria to live and breed. Every day, your cellphone is exposed to thousands of bacteria that move from the hand (as you type) to your face (when calling), or vice versa.

What's more, the heat produced by cellphone batteries is the right medium for bacteria to breed.

The solution: always be ready for anti-bacterial wet tissue and clean the surface of your cellphone every time you use it.

10. Be careful with products styling hair

Sticky and oily hair products are very dangerous for facial skin. This product will react with facial skin when you fall asleep. These hair product particles will clog the pores and cause acne.

In addition, bangs hairstyles also affect acne. Dust and sweat easily stick to the hair. Friction between dirty hair and facial skin will cause bacteria to migrate and cause acne.

The solution, when taking a shower, shampoo and use the conditioner first, and wash your face back, to avoid the remaining "faded" hair products about the face. After dirt and products from the hair are cleaned, facial soap will rinse away any residue that might be left on the skin. We recommend that you select a range of products that are oil free and use natural ingredients so that they are not harmful to the skin.

To get around the pimples caused by bangs, you can clamp your bangs back while relaxing or while exercising to avoid sweat and dust sticking to your forehead. Or if you don't wash your hair every day, wash only the bangs every night before going to bed.

10 Lifestyle Changes That Help Overcome Acne
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