12 Ways to Get Rid of Eye Bags


Medical Video: How to conceal dark circles under eyes

Are you having eye bag problems? Eye bags are a common problem as you get older. With aging, the tissue around the eyes including some muscles that support the eyelids will weaken. The fat that functions to support the eye will move towards the lower eyelid, so that the petals have a sac. The fluid that collects in the lower part of your eyes can also cause the eye bags to dilate. In addition, other causes are due to insufficient sleep, allergies or dermatitis, and hereditary factors.

However, you should not worry, because eye bags can be removed. To get rid of eye bags, you need to do the following methods:

1. Avoid salt

Salt is most often associated with high blood pressure. However, do you know that salt can cause a buildup of fluid that can cause swelling around the eyes? Avoid foods that use lots of salt such as potato chips and a number of other snacks.

2. Do facial exercises

Facial sports are a natural way to reduce signs of aging, especially in the area around the eyes. Marie-Veronique Nadeau, beauty expert and author of The Yoga Facelift, explains that doing yoga for the face can train your facial muscles to be tighter. Yoga pose with an upside down body like shoulder stand and back bends can help improve circulation in the face, so that excess fluid and swelling will be overcome properly.

3. Sleep in a good position

Sleeping on your back can prevent gravity from causing fluid buildup around the eyes. Consider adding extra pillows under your head, but make sure that the pillow is effective to make you sleep. If you can't sleep, you will add dark circles to the eye bags.

4. Remove make-up before going to bed

Leave make-up in the eye area can make the eyes irritated so that the eyes become runny and swollen. Therefore, gently remove your eye makeup before going to sleep to eliminate the factors that cause eye irritation.

5. Reducing alcohol

Alcohol makes the body and skin dehydrated. This dehydration can cause subtle areas around the eyes to have dark hollows and colors. Then, alcohol can also cause red and tired eyes. Reduce maximum alcohol consumption to one glass a day. You are better advised to drink water instead. By consuming lots of water, you become fresher and the skin around your eyes will be brighter because it has been hydrated.

6. Stop smoking

Did you know that smoking can cause skin to dry out and weaken on the face and throughout your body? Cigarettes can also cause premature aging, especially around the eyes. The chemicals found in cigarettes are toxic and can cause irritation around the eyes. This triggers dark circles and eye bags accompanied by wrinkles and dull appearance.

7. Use cold compresses

If your eyes are swollen and marsupial, try using cold compresses. Not only can this help reduce swollen eyes, but it can also make a younger appearance. You can compress your eyes using a cold spoon, slices of cucumber, and by cooling or moistening the tea bag and compressing it over the eyes.

8. Protect the eyes from UV light

Being in the sun too much can make the skin around the eyes relax and wrinkle, and cause dehydration of the skin. Sunscreen (sunblock) mineral based, sunglasses that can protect the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) light, and caps can help protect your eyes from harmful rays, so they can keep the skin around the eyes from being blackened due to the effects of sunlight.

9. Sleep enough time

Sleep deprivation can cause problems with body composition, bodily functions, and facial appearance. During sleep, fluid in the tissue will be squeezed back into the sap vessels and also into the blood vessels. Therefore when we wake up, the eyes will look a little swollen, but a moment later it will disappear. If you don't get enough sleep, this process will be hampered and cause fluid to be trapped in the tissue resulting in eye bags. When you miss sleep, your skin will look pale and have dark circles.

10. Use natural eye cream

Aging usually causes dehydration of the skin due to lack of collagen. Many eye creams are sold on the market, but everything that is natural is certainly better. To ensure that the cream you use is natural, you can make it yourself at home. Mix natural ingredients such as rosehip oil, lavender oil, essential lemon oil, and aloe vera. Use every night before bed, to treat eye bags.

11. Eat lots of collagen

Collagen is the most protein in our body. This can be found in muscles, bones, skin and tendons. The benefits of collagen are to provide skin strength and elasticity, and replace dead skin cells. Collagen is very good for removing eye bags. You can try chicken bone broth and collagen supplements to increase your collagen intake.

12. Perform surgery

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is one way to get rid of eye bags. The surgeon distributes or removes excess fat, muscle, and sagging skin in your eye area. This procedure is usually performed as an outpatient procedure.


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12 Ways to Get Rid of Eye Bags
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