3 Natural Ways to Brighten Black Skin Due to Frequent Heat


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Living in a tropical country where the sun shines throughout the year makes you vulnerable to direct sunlight. Skin that is initially light yellow or light brown can also be dark or charred due to daily heat. Almost everyone has experienced it, especially if you often move outdoors. Then, what actually causes the skin to burn if it is often exposed to sunlight? If it's already burnt, can the sun's black skin return to its original color? Find the answer below.

Difference in sunburned skin (sunburn) and burnt black skin due to sun exposure

Being in direct sunlight can have various effects on the body, especially the skin which is the first layer of your body's protection. Being in the sun is at risk of causing sunburn. Sunburned skin will turn reddish. This is usually accompanied by itching, heat, or pain on the surface of the skin. Some people even have blistered skin. If the sunburn is very strong, you can feel dizzy, headache, tremble, and have a fever.

Unlike sunburned skin, charred skin is a black skin condition that usually occurs gradually. For example, every day you go to campus or office on foot or ride a motorcycle. Even though you have only been in the sun for a few minutes and the sting is not very strong, unprotected skin will still react. Burnt skin is usually not accompanied by other disorders of the body or skin. However, charred skin will usually look more dry and dull than other parts of the skin that are not too often exposed to sunburn.

Why does the skin get darker if exposed to sunlight?

Sunlight consists of three types of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, namely UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVC radiation cannot penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, while UVA and UVB can penetrate to the layers of skin and human hair. Both of these radiation have a negative effect on the skin and hair because it can cause mutations of DNA, spread free radicals, and even trigger skin cancer.

To protect the body from harmful UVA and UVB, a pigment called melanin will be produced to repair and protect radiation-disturbed cells, especially from UVA. The melanin pigments produced will change the color of your skin to become darker and look like a burn. This is because the pigment has a basic color that is blackish brown. So, it's really not sunlight that burns your skin, but your own body.

The more often you are exposed to sunlight, the more skin cells are affected. This triggers the production of melanin which will counteract the effects of UVA radiation. This process occurs in a long time. This is why skin burns or stripes can only be seen after a few days, weeks or months.

Overcome black and striped skin due to sunlight

Because usually your skin that is exposed to sunburn is not evenly distributed on the entire skin of your body, you will also look striped. For some people, appearing with striped skin can affect self-confidence. Though to brighten the skin again like the original color is not an easy thing. Treatments that can brighten skin tone are usually not cheap and take a long time. However, you can treat and brighten the burnt skin with treatment natural at home. Because it comes from natural ingredients, the effect is faster and the price is also more affordable than buying various beauty products. Here are various tricks to brighten the burnt skin due to sunburn.

1. Cucumber and lemon masks

Crush the cucumber gently in a blender and mix it with about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. After that, add a pinch of turmeric that has been shredded into the mixture and stir until smooth. Apply to the area of ​​the burnt skin or often exposed to sunlight. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water afterwards. Cucumber has the effect of providing a cool effect and fighting free radicals that harm skin cells. Meanwhile, lemon contains citric acid which functions as a natural whitener to overcome burnt skin. Turmeric helps to remove dead skin cells that cause dull skin so that your skin will look brighter shine.

2. Aloe vera mask

Aloe vera offers a myriad of benefits for the skin, especially for treating skin problems affected by sunburn. You can buy aloe vera gel at a pharmacy or beauty shop, but it's best for faster and maximum results using the original gum or liquid aloe vera. For brighter and moist skin, apply aloe vera to your charred skin and let it sit for the night. Rinse thoroughly in the morning.

3. Milk and mask oatmeal

Mix powder oatmeal and enough fresh milk until the texture of the mixture is soft but quite dense. Apply to skin exposed to the sun and let stand for about one hour before you rinse thoroughly. Oatmeal able to nourish and flatten skin tone while milk will help maintain skin's natural moisture and whiten burnt skin.


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3 Natural Ways to Brighten Black Skin Due to Frequent Heat
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