Dermabrasion Facial Treatment, Is It Safe to Do?



Many women who want beautiful faces, clean skin and shine. Therefore, along with the increase in demand, there are now more beauty clinics that provide various services for the treatment and rejuvenation of facial skin.One method that has recently been used for facial treatment is dermabrasion. However, what is dermabrasion? Is it safe to do? Here is the explanation.

What is dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is an exfoliation technique using a tool that works by rotating on the surface of the skin and aims to lift the outer skin of the face. This treatment is starting to become popular among women and is widely available in various beauty clinics.

Dermabrasion should only be done by dermatologists and health professionals, because it requires anesthesia or anesthesia. Anesthesia or anesthesia given depends on the needs of each patient and the level of care they are doing. During the procedure, the skin around the face will be numb.

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Do you need to do dermabrasion?

Demabrasion is considered to be able to reduce the appearance of fine lines on the face, reduce scars and black spots, and make skin smoother and look younger. In addition, this technique can also treat and reduce some of the problems that exist on facial skin such as:

  • acne scars
  • blackish spots
  • fine wrinkles
  • redness of the facial skin
  • scars due to injury or surgery
  • sunburned skin scars
  • uneven skin tone
  • tattoo

Some conditions that make dermabrasion should not be done if someone has inflammation of acne, has herpes, has a tendency to experience keloids, radiation burns, and burn scars. Not only that, if you take drugs that cause the skin layer to thin out, then you should not do dermabrasion.

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What should be prepared before doing dermabrasion?

Before the doctor finally does a dermabrasion on your face, usually he will check your health completely and see your medical history. You should discuss it with your doctor if you have an allergy to a drug. You may also be advised to stop taking medications that are thought to be at risk of increasing bleeding or causing the skin to become dark after dermabrasion.

Not only that, you are also advised to avoid sun exposure for 2 months before taking care and using sunscreen if you do outdoor activities every day. Sun exposure can cause skin color to become uneven.

Then, how is the dermabrasion process carried out?

The first thing the doctor does is clean the face, close the eyes with a special tool, and mark the face area to be treated. Then the doctor will begin to anesthetize your face to reduce the pain that may be felt during the dermabrasion process. The anesthesia may be local anesthesia, which is only in the part that is treated or general anesthesia, which is to anesthetize the entire body so that the body becomes numb. This depends on how much care is being taken.

After that, the doctor will hold the skin tightly and press it with a special dermabrasion device. This process can occur in minutes or even more than one hour. The more skin problems you have, the longer this process takes place. If all the problematic parts have been dermabrased, the doctor will give a special ointment that keeps your face moist but not sticky.

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What are the risks of dermabrasion treatment?

Dermabrasion is included in medical treatment, therefore there are side effects and risks if you do this technique, namely:

Redness and swelling. When doing dermabrasion the skin will turn red and swollen. But swelling will gradually decrease in a matter of weeks.

The skin becomes sensitive and pink. Dermabrasion aims to lift the uppermost skin so that new skin can grow back. Therefore, facial skin that is treated with dermabrasion will turn pink like young skin that has just grown.

Acne. Maybe just after doing dermabrasion, you will have pimples on your face. But don't worry, because usually these zits will disappear on their own.

Enlarged facial pores. Not only does it make you spotty, but dermabrasion can also make your facial pores bigger.

Skin infection. This condition is caused by fungi or viruses, but this rarely happens in patients who do dermabrasion.

The appearance of scar tissue. This is also rare, but to prevent this from happening, doctors usually give steroid drugs to make dermabrasion wounds soft.

Other reactions, such as redness, allergies, or changes in skin color.

What should be done after undergoing dermabrasion?

After completing treatment with dermabrasion, you should return to making an appointment with your dermatologist. Avoid consuming alcohol for 48 hours after dermabrasion. It is also recommended not to take drugs containing aspirin or ibuprofen for a full week. Avoid smoking.

Dermabrasion Facial Treatment, Is It Safe to Do?
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