Know the Trends in Jaw Surgery to Make Cheeks and Jaws over Tire



Starting from the trend of people in South Korea who carry out jaw surgery for beauty purposes, Jakarta did not want to miss it. Yes, jaw surgery whose purpose is to make the cheeks or jaws more thin is done by many women to beautify themselves. How do jaw surgeries work? Come on, see the explanation below.

What is jaw surgery?

Jaw or surgery jaw surgery also known as orthognathic surgery. Initially, jaw surgery was performed to improve the asymmetrical structure of the jaw and cluttered teeth, usually caused by bone skeletal problems.

In addition to cosmetic reasons, surgery on the jaw is also done to improve the functioning of other limbs, such as cleft lip, temporomandibular joint problems (joints to talk, chew, or yawn) and various conditions in the human jawbone.

What is the surgical procedure for the jaw?

Orthognathic surgery in principle is to cut and flatten the jawbone and place additional supporting materials such as plates, plates or bolts to hold a new position on the cut jaw. This method of surgery is usually done in the mouth to avoid the risk of scars on the face

Additional supporting materials that have been approved by the medical industry, for example, such as fillers, implants, bolts, and plates can be used to secure the jawbone in its new position. So that later these additional devices can function and look better after the surgery is done.

Will additional supporting material be embedded forever?

Generally, additional supporting materials, namely plates, plates or screws to secure the jawbone will not cause problems if not removed. However, sometimes the material can cause an infection until another operation is needed to remove it

Is there a risk when performing surgery on the jaw?

Safter surgery, your mouth may feel sore, stiff, until it swells which can last around 4-6 weeks. If you have lower jaw surgery, it's possible that your lower lip will experience temporary tingling or numbness. But if you do upper jaw surgery, you may experience numbness in your upper lip or cheeks.

Even so, it is highly recommended to maintain oral hygiene. If not, it will cause an infection around the jaw and make the mouth more uncomfortable.

In addition to maintaining cleanliness, it is recommended to consume liquid or soft foods in small amounts but often to maintain the body's calorie needs. Avoid consuming alcohol and cigarettes to prevent infection in the former surgery

You also have to be careful not to bite your lips or hit your lips with hot drinks and food. This is bertAim to re-achieve lip sensitivity to hot or cold sensations. In some small cases, numbness may be with you and is permanent, but it won't affect the way you talk or just move your lips.

Then, what are the results?

It is difficult to predict the results, because each patient has different problems and results. Before doing the surgery, you will be given directions about the types of changes you can expect, but unfortunately this is not necessarily accurate. In addition, after surgery sometimes it will cause subtle changes in the form of nose and neck lines.

Know the Trends in Jaw Surgery to Make Cheeks and Jaws over Tire
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