8 Choices of Natural Nail Fungus Medications You Can Find at Home


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Nail fungus infection, or what is known as onychomycosis, is one form of infection that is most often experienced by adults. The most easily seen symptoms are white, brown, or yellow nails and cause nails to break easily. Well, did you know that effective nail fungus medicine doesn't have to use a doctor's prescription? Yes, there are various natural nail fungus remedies that may be available in your kitchen. Anything?

Various nail fungus remedies from natural ingredients

Natural ingredients may be more effective in treating nail fungus than prescription drugs. Because the nail fungus medication has several side effects such as other drugs, such as stomach ache, dizziness, and severe skin problems.

Well, here are a wide selection of natural nail fungus medications that may already be available in your home. However, don't forget to consult your doctor first to avoid possible side effects.

1. Garlic

garlic allergy

A 2009 study revealed that garlic contains allicin and ajoene compounds which have antifungal and antimicrobial properties. These natural compounds are believed to be able to treat nail fungus problems.

Caraya, chop a few cloves of garlic, then place it on the part of the nail infected with the fungus for 30 minutes a day. Even though it smells quite stinging, it doesn't matter if you can treat your nail fungus problems, right?

2. Baking soda

6 benefits of baking soda for beauty

It is common knowledge that baking soda has many health benefits. One of them is to treat nail fungal infections.

Baking soda can help reduce moisture on the toes and neutralize foot odor caused by mold. The trick, mix baking soda and water into a paste. Apply baking soda paste to the infected nail part of the finger and leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing.

In addition, you can also soak your feet in a basin containing a mixture of water and baking soda for a few moments. This method is also effective in treating nail fungus infections.

3. Olive oil

extra virgin olive oil

Various olive leaf extracts are reported to contain antifungal and antimicrobial ingredients that can boost immunity. Both in the form of oil and ointment, both of which can help overcome fungal nail infections that you experience.

Apply olive ointment or oil directly to the infected part of the nail, then wait for a few moments. after that, rinse thoroughly and make sure the nail area is completely dry to prevent fungal development.

In addition, you can also use olive leaf extract in capsule form. One study shows that consuming one to three capsules of olive leaf extract can speed up healing of nail fungus, you know!

4. Vinegar

Benefits of Apple Vinegar for Health

Vinegar is a natural nail fungus that is easily available. Because, vinegar can help balance the pH of the skin and speed up the treatment of nail fungus infections. Not only that, vinegar can also help prevent the spread of fungi so that they do not infect other parts of the nail.

How to use it is very easy. Add clear vinegar or apple vinegar to a basin of warm water with a ratio of 1: 2, then soak your feet for 20 minutes every day. This method is effective in overcoming the problem of nail fungus that has been disturbing your days.

5. Mouthwash


You might be confused, mouthwash that is usually used to deal with dental and mouth problems, is it really possible to treat nail fungus too? Eits, don't get me wrong. Mouthwash can also treat nail fungus infections, you know!

Mouthwashes contain natural ingredients such as menthol, timor, and eucalyptus which have antibacterial and antifungal properties. So do not be surprised if you can use mouthwash to treat nail fungus.

Prepare a basin containing a mixture of water and mouthwash. Soak the feet in the solution for 30 minutes while gently rubbing the infected nail area. Do this method every day for maximum results.

6. Tea tree oil

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil or tea tree oil is an essential oil that is commonly used as a beauty product. According to the National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health, several clinical studies have shown that tea tree oil contains antifungal and antiseptic ingredients that effectively treat nail fungus.

First, make sure the infected nail area has been cleaned and dried. Dip the cotton into tea tree oil, then apply it to the part of the infected nail. Do this method twice a day and look forward to the amazing changes in your toenails.

7. Corn flour


This natural nail fungus drug basically contains mushrooms. But don't worry, these mushrooms are harmless and actually help fight fungal infections in the body.

To treat nail fungus, mix 230 grams of corn flour and 2 liters of water into a large basin. Leave for one hour first, then soak your feet for 30 minutes. This method is considered effective for dealing with nail fungus that you experience.

8. Lavender oil

the benefits of lavender oil

Lavender oil has antiseptic properties that not only prevent skin irritation, but also relieve fungal nail infections. How to use it is to dip the cotton into lavender oil, then apply it to the infected nail area for 10 to 20 minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Repeat the method several times a day for maximum results. Thus, nail fungus infections will be treated properly.

8 Choices of Natural Nail Fungus Medications You Can Find at Home
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