Brain Development in Babies from Sunday to Sunday


Medical Video: How Does a Child's Brain Develop? - Susan Y. Bookheimer PhD | UCLAMDCHAT Webinars

The development of the baby's brain is one phase that is very important in the growth of the fetus in the womb. Not only takes place when the baby is still in the womb, the growth of the baby's brain also lasts until he has grown up. Therefore, the growth of the baby's brain must be considered since the baby is in the womb. At what age of pregnancy does the baby's brain begin to grow and develop?

Brain development in the womb

Baby's brain growth has begun at the beginning of gestational age until the baby is born into the world. The following are the stages of development of the baby's brain during pregnancy.

Baby brain development in the first trimester

About 16 days after fertilization (sperm fertilizes the egg), the basis of the formation of the spinal cord and fetal brain (neural plate) begins to form. Neural plate continue to grow and then turn into a neural tube (neural tube) Furthermore, the nerve tube closes at around 5-8 weeks of gestation, and is divided into three parts, namely the forebrain, midbrain, and hind brain. This back brain will then form the spinal cord.

Around the 5th week of gestation, baby cells begin to increase and begin to form certain functions. At around 5 weeks of gestation, the baby's brain, spinal cord and heart begin to develop. This is the critical period of the baby in the first trimester. The risk of a baby's growth disorders at this time is very high and if it occurs it can cause the baby to be born disabled.

Around 6-7 weeks' gestation, the baby's brain will continue to grow until it forms the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus. The five parts of the brain have their respective functions which are very important for the function of the whole body.

During the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby's brain continues to grow. Next, at week 10, the baby's brain has begun to function. In addition, other organs have also begun to function this week, such as the kidneys, intestines, and liver. In the 10th week of pregnancy, your prospective baby is no longer called an embryo, it is still a fetus.

Baby brain development in the second trimester

In the second trimester, at the age of 18 weeks, the baby's nerves begin to be covered by myelin. Myelin will protect the baby's nerves and function to accelerate the delivery of messages between nerve cells. The development of this myelin will continue until the age of 1 year baby. So, brain development will still occur after the baby is born.

At the end of the second trimester, the baby's brain stem that plays a role in basic life functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, shows an almost mature development.

Baby brain development in the third trimester

The brain is at its most rapid development in the third trimester, especially the development of neurons. The size of a baby's brain is also enlarged at this time and has a 3-fold weight during the last 13 weeks of gestation. From around 100 grams at the end of the second trimester to 300 grams in the third trimester. The shape of the baby's brain has also begun to change, from what once had a smooth surface to becoming more curved like the shape of an adult brain.

Baby's brain growth runs faster in the week of 27-30 gestational age. At this time, the nervous system is sufficiently developed to control several bodily functions. The fetus has also begun to be able to hear sounds from outside the uterus. At week 28, fetal brain wave activity begins to have a sleep cycle, such as the REM stage (where you can dream at this stage).

In the third trimester, the cerebellum (which controls movement) develops faster. The cerebral cortex that plays a role in the function of thinking, remembering, and feeling also experiences many developments at this time. Yes, in the third trimester there is a lot of brain development during pregnancy, but the brain starts functioning around the time the baby will be born at full gestational age. Not only until this time, the brain will continue to develop gradually over the next few years of the baby's life after birth. When the brain develops, both still in the womb and at birth, you should give a nutritious intake to the baby to support the development of the brain.

How to help the development of the baby's brain during pregnancy?

Infants in the womb get nutrients from the mother's bloodstream to support their growth and development, including their brain development. So that what is eaten by the mother will also flow to the baby's body through the placenta. Therefore, during pregnancy you should pay attention to the food consumed.

The following are things you can do to support the brain's development in the womb.

  • Take folic acid. We recommend that you consume folic acid from before you get pregnant. Folic acid is an important mineral needed for the development of the baby's brain from the beginning of pregnancy.
  • Avoid foods that contain harmful minerals, such as mercury in swordfish, sharks, king mackerel, and tilefish. Mercury can cause damage to nerves and the developing brain during pregnancy.
  • Consume fish oil if necessary. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids (especially DHA) which can support fetal brain development. You can also get omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish that are low in mercury, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, herring, and trout. However, you should not eat fish too often because it also contains a little mercury.
  • Increase protein consumption. Protein is an important nutrient that is needed in the growth and development of all organs in the baby's body, including the brain.
  • Do exercise regularly. Exercise during pregnancy is very beneficial for you. However, do not let you experience excessive fatigue, especially during the first trimester.
  • Avoid stress. Mild stress during pregnancy may be natural, but don't overdo it because it can have an impact on the baby's brain development in your womb. If you start feeling stressed, you should find activities to deal with your stress, such as listening to music, sports, gathering with friends, and so on.
Brain Development in Babies from Sunday to Sunday
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